Anelli, Carol, Richard Law. "An Interdisciplinary Examination of U.S. Racism from 'The Mismeasure of Man' to 'Invisible Man',"
Rocky Mountain Modern Review,
62, no. 2 (2008): 82-95, www.jstor.org/stable/20479531.
Interesting analysis of U.S. racism from popular assumptions, preconceptions, to myths, and the devastating effects illustrated in Ellison's novel.
Beers, Kylene.
When Kids Can't Read What Teachers Can Do
. Portsmouth: Heinemann, 2003. An effective text with strategies for struggling readers.
Desrochers, Stephen. "Identity Theory." http://wfnetwork.bc.edu/encyclopedia_entry.php?id=242. 26 June 2011. Theoretical study on what identity is and how it affects the formation and the perception of the self in an individual.
Ellison, Ralph.
Invisible Man.
New York: Vintage Books, 1980. Interesting journey of an African American student from the South to the streets and basement of Harlem in the '50s.
Farstrup, Alan E.,Samuels S. Jay. eds.
What Research Has to Say About Reading Instruction
. Newark: International Reading Association, 2002. Duke, Nell K., Pearson P. David.
Effective Practices for Developing Reading Comprehension
. Farstrup and Samuels 205-236. A compelling chapter where the authors analyze, compare and contrast the validity of various strategies teachers use for an effective reading comprehension.
George, Paul S. "A Rationale for Differentiating Instruction in the Regular Classroom,"
Theory into Practice,
44, no. 3 (2005): 185-193, www.jstor.org/stable/3496997. Based on the theory of differentiated instruction, the article evaluates the benefits of heterogeneous classrooms and differentiated instruction.
Griffiths, Frederick, Angelo Herndon. "Ralph Ellison, Richard Wright, and the Case of Angelo Herndon,"
African American Review
, 35, no. 4 (2001): 615-636, www.jstor.org/stable/2903285. Interesting study of Angelo Herndon's autobiography, its connections to Ralph Ellison's novel,
Invisible Man
, and their friendship with Richard Wright.
Lane, James B. "Underground to Manhood: Ralph Elliosn's Invisible Man,"
Negro American Literature Forum
, 7, no. 2 (1973): 64-72, www.jstor.org/stable/3041272. Interesting analysis of the narrator/protagonist's journey from rural innocence and self-deception to cosmopolitan maturity and disillusionment, and possible redemption.
Nash, Russell W. "Stereotypes and Social Types in Ellison's Invisible Man,"
the Sociological Quarterly,
6, no. 4 (1965): 349-360, www.jstor.org/stable/4104975. Through the analysis of race stereotypes and minority traits, the author analyzes the disillusionment and the complexities of the realities presented by the novel.
Sanchez, Carol L. "Racism: Power, Profit, Product-and Patriarchy,"
Women's Studies Quarterly
, 11, no. 3 (1983): 14-16, www.jstor.org/stable/40004222. Challenging study of racism and discrimination in the course of the century based on the feminist perspective.
Smart, J.J.C. "The Identity Theory of Mind." http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/mind-identity. 26 June 2011. Interesting illustration of the Identity Theory, its validity and the correlations between the phenomenal experiences and neurophysiological processes.
Steinberg, Robert, Li-fang Zhang. "Style of Thinking as a Basis of Differentiated
Theory into Practice
, 44, no. 3 (2005): 245-253, www.jstor.org/stable/3497004. Based on the theory of thinking styles, the study offers an useful method to identify each student preferences in order to determine the most appropriate assignment in response to a specific task.
Strassman, Barbara K, Jersey Ewing. "Differentiated Instruction in the English classroom: Content, Process, Product and Assessment," 48, no. 4 (2005): 358-359, www.jstor.org/stable/40016933. Useful suggestions of methods and strategies to effectively teach in a differentiated classroom.
Weber, Daniel B. "Metropolitan Freedom and Restraint in Elliosn's 'Invisible Man',"
College Literature
, 12, no. 2 (1985): 163-175, www.jstor.org/stable/25111659. Superb analysis of how the omnipresent influence of the metropolitan life shapes and produces intellectual and psychological responses that help establish character types and specific behaviors.
Woolfolk, Anita.
Educational Psychology
. Allyn and Bacon: Boston, 20001.
An essential text in educational psychology based on the theories of some of the most important scholars like J. Piaget and L. Vygotsky. It prepares for teaching, counseling, speech therapy, or psychology.