Berger, Joseph. "A Fight Over Keeping Boards in the Boardwalk." New York Times, July 1, 2011. Accessed 7/1/11.
Article debating Coney Island boardwalk repairs.
College Board. Environmental Science Course Description. Fall 2010. Accessed 7/1/11.
A comprehensive manual of the AP® Environmental Science approved course.
Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection. Leatherback Sea Turtle. 1997. Accessed 7/1/11.
Fact sheet on leatherback sea turtles.
Ecological Earth. Biodegradable T-shirt Bags - Medium. Accessed 7/2/11.
Source to price biodegradable plastic bags.
Fireworks in America. A Brief History of Fireworks. Accessed 7/4/11.
History of fireworks.
Freedman, Jonah. "Ranking the 50 highest-earning athletes in the U.S." Sports Illustrated. Date unknown. Accessed 6/29/11.
Article on 50 highest ranking athletes of 2008.
Hardin, Garrett. "The Tragedy of the Commons." Science 162 (1968):1243-1248. Can be accessed online,
Essay on population growth. Standard in environmental science education.
Herreid, Clyde F. "What is a Case?," Journal of College Science Teaching, 27 (1997) 92-94.
One of many articles written by leading advocate for using case studies in science.
Keating, Tim. "Deep Impact." Rainforest Relief. July 1998. Accessed 7/1/11.
In depth look at rainforest destruction.
Levitt, Steven D. Hurray for High Gas Prices. Freakanomics, June 18, 2007. Accessed 6/30/11.
Article addresses the supply and demand of gas prices and CO2 emissions.
Llewellyn, Douglas. Teaching High School Science Through Inquiry. Thousand Oaks: Corwin Press, 2005.
Excellent resource for methods of inquiry instruction.
Roach, John. "Are Plastic Grocery Bags Sacking the Environment?" National Geographic News. September 2, 2003. Accessed 7/1/11.
Article on plastic bag consumption and consequences.
Smart USA. Pure Coupe, standard features. Accessed 7/1/11.
Product site for the Smart Car.
Smith, Adam. An Inquiry into the Wealth of Nations, Chapter II. Of Restraints Upon Importation from Foreign Countries of Such Goods as Can Be Produced at Home. London: W. Strahan and T. Cadell, 1776. Transcribed by Project Gutenberg 2/28/2009.
Classic economic literature. Includes Smith's thoughts on the "invisible hand."
Sohn, Emily. "Leatherback Turtles Consuming Plastic." Discovery Channel. April 9, 2009. Accessed 7/1/11.
Article about the the consequences of using plastic bags.
Trapani, Christina, Kathy O'Hara, and Wendy Walton. "The Effects of Plastic Debris on Marine Mammals and Sea Turtles. Virginia Aquarium Stranding Response Program. February 27, 2009. Accessed 7/1/11.
Slide presentation about plastic debris and how it harms marine animals.
United States Environmental Protection Agency. Interim Drinking Water Health Advisory For Perchlorate. December 2008. Accessed 7/4/11.
Report written in the health hazards of perchlorate.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. North Florida Ecological Services Office. Leatherback Sea Turtle. January 19, 2011. Accessed 7/1/11.
Fact sheet on leatherback turtles.
Uline Shipping Supply Specialist. Grocery Bags. Accessed 7/2/11.
Source to price paper bags.
Universal Plastic. T-Shirts Bags. Accessed 7/2/11.
Source to price plastic bags.
Weise, Elizabeth. "Fireworks likely cause of massive Ark. bird kill." USA Today, January 5, 2011. Accessed 7/4/11.
Newspaper article detailing the massive bird die offs.
Wilbur Cross High School. Mission Statement. 2011. Accessed 7/1/11.
Wilbur Cross High School website.
Wilken, Richard T., Dennis Fine, and Nicole Burnett. "Perchlorate Behavior in a Municipal Lake Following Fireworks Displays." Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2007, 4 3966-3971.
Field study paper on perchlorate.
Withgott, Jay, and Scott Brennan. Environment: The Science behind the Stories, 2
n d
ed. San Francisco: Pearson Education, Inc, 2007.
College level textbook that covers environmental science.
Teacher Reading List
Brower, Michael and Warren Leon. The Consumer's Guide to Effective Environmental Choices: Practical Advice from the Union of Concerned Scientists. New York: Three Rivers Press, 1999.
Down to earth guide to help the average citizens make environmentally friendly choices.
Colorado Internet Center for Environmental Problem Solving (The). . Accessed 5/28/11.
Site includes methods and case studies in environmental problem solving.
Ehrlich, Paul R. and Anne H. Ehrlich. Healing the Planet, Strategies for Resolving the Environmenal Crisis. Reading: Addison-Wesley, 1991.
An evidence based discussion of the problems humans face, with some practical solutions.
Gaddis, John. The Landscape of History. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004.
An in depth look at the scientific method of writing history.
Gibbs, Lois Marie and Murray Levine. Love Canal, My Story. New York: Grove Press, 1982.
Personal story about the experiences of being involved in the Love Canal.
Gore, Al. Earth in the Balance, Ecology and the Human Spirit. New York: Penguin Group, 1993.
A review of the environmental problems that humans face, with some solutions.
McNeill, J.R., and William McNeill. The Human Web, A Bird's-Eye View of World History. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2003.
A concise history of world civilization.
Merchant, Carolyn. Major Problems in American Environmental History. Lexington: D. C. Heath and Company, 1993.
A systematic look at environmental problems throughout American history.
National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science. Accessed 6/24/11.
Excellent resource for case studies and learning how to write and use case studies in science.
Pierce, Christine and Donald VanDeVeer, edit. People, Penguins, and Plastic Trees, 2nd edition. Belmont: Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1995.
A compilation of essays on environmental ethics by many influential authors.
Roszak, Theodore, Mary E. Gomes, and Allen D. Kanner, edit. Ecopsychology, Restoring the Earth, Healing the Mind. San Francisco: Sierra Club Books, 1995.
A collection of essays dealing with the psychological side of environmental treatment.
Sebranek, Patrick, Dave Kemper, and Verne Meyer. Writers Inc. Wilmington: Great Source Education Group, 2001.
This resource teaches students how to write just about anything. Although it's written for students it serves as a useful guide for teachers.
Student Reading List
Henderson, David. Demand. Library of economics and Liberty, 2008. Accessed 6/30/11.
Online economic encyclopedia.
Kovarik, William. Environmental History Timeline. Accessed 5/24/11.
Online environmental history with links to more in depth information.
Oracle Thinkquest. March 2005. Accessed 6/23/11.
Online resource discussing the various worldviews.
United States Energy Information Administration. Accessed 7/1/11.
Online resource for energy use in the United States.