Jonathan R. Aubin
Drawing Exercise 4
Students will write in their sketchbooks about a time they were never angrier. After they write these memories, they will draw them.
When students have completed drawing their memories, allow those who wish to share their angriest moments with their class time to do so (This can be done with any number of emotions, anger just tends to provoke stronger recollections, thus better imagery).
Discussion questions
Did you feel yourself becoming angry just remembering this moment? What kind of visual metaphors did you use to represent your anger (i.e. Lightning bolts, tears, daggers)?
Read Jonathan Lethem's essay "Things to Remember" from
The Ecstasy of Influence
Discussion questions
Why do we remember what we remember? How do we remember? Are our memories reliable? Do we have control over what we remember?
Write an essay from memory about a life–changing or momentous event. This essay will be the basis of your final project.