Jonathan R. Aubin
Drawing Exercise 7
Students will work with the same partner as during Class Two. They will create drawings of each other as super heroes. Think about: What are their super powers, if any? What does their costume look like? What are their distinguishing physical features?
Share student illustrations.
Read "Two Questions" excerpt from Lynda Barry's
What it Is
Discussion Questions
Describe the author's visual style. What recurring visual symbols or motifs do you see? What keeps us from expressing ourselves creatively? How do we overcome self–doubt?
Now, draw a nine–panel grid in your sketchbook. Having already tried your hands at the single–panel gag cartoon and the four–panel strip, today you will create full–page comics.
Homework – Drawing Exercise 7a
Create a full–page nine–panel comic. This may be a page from your final 8–page graphic novel about a life–changing event.