As we listen to the required recording of the text being read, it is important to front load courtroom vocabulary. I will have a courtroom projected on the board with labels for attorneys, jury members, witnesses, defendants and the judge. This gives them visual cues on who is talking and why.
As we begin to listen to the audiobook, students will have a Tweet sheet. This is a sheet split into sections where they will be writing as if they are on Twitter, a social media site that only allows 140 characters per posting. Students will be required at least 10 tweets per day. They will write their tweets on this sheet as they follow along with the audio book. They will be able to create their own hashtags, reactions, and opinions as we begin to meet the characters. In the past students are fully engaged and creative with their live tweets. At times students react using their voices. When I see reactions as this, I gauge if the section is worthwhile discussing. If there is confusion, these are the moments I stop to ask questions or give explanations.