1 Jemisin, N.K, How Long ‘til Black Future Month? New York: Orbit, 2018, page xii.
2 Ibid, page vii.
3 Imarisha, Walidah, Octavia’s Brood: Science Fiction Stories from Social Justice Movements, Oakland: AK Press, 2015, page 3.
4 Dery, Mark, Ed, Flame Wars: The Discourse of Cyber Culture, Durham and London: Duke University Press, 1994, page 180.
5 Womack, Itasha L, Afrofuturism: The World of Black Sci-Fi and Fantasy Culture, Chicago: Lawrence Hill Books, 2013, page 9.
6 Walida, Octavia’s Brood, page 4.
7 Against the Odds: The Artists of the Harlem Renaissance, Dir. Amber Edwards, PBS, 2006, DVD.
8 Womack, Afrofuturism, page 5.
9 Jemisin, How Long ‘til Black Future Month? page x.
10 Matsuda, Mari in Ryan and Dixson, “Rethinking Pedagogy to Re-Center Race: Some Reflections,” NCTE Review of Research 84, no. 2 (November 2006): 175.
11 Bonilla-Silva, Eduardo, “The Structure of Racism in Color-Blind, “Post-Racial” America.” American Behavioral Scientist 59, no. 11 (2015): 1362.
12 Ibid, 1358.
13 Ibid, 1364.
14 Castro-Atwater, Sheri A, “Color-Blind Racial Ideology in K-12 Schools,” In The Myth of Racial Colorblindness: Manifestations, Dynamics, and Impact, Ed Neville, Gallardo, and Sue (American Psychological Association, 2016), 218.
15 Ewing, Eve and Rose, Tricia, By Derek John, Studio 360, Public Radio International, December 12, 2008.
16 Ibid
17 Butler, Octavia E, Dawn, New York: Warner Books, 1987, page 11.
18 Ibid, 96.
19 Ibid, 22.
20 Walida, Octavia’s Brood, page 5.