Brackett, M. & Divecha, D. (2020). Sorry, There’s No Easy Toolkit for Social-Emotional Learning. Education Week, 39(19), 28.
This resource breaks down the process of building and maintaining social-emotional learning and making explicit connections to students’ personal lives, curriculum, and areas of need.
Cisneros, Sandra. The House on Mango Street. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1994.
Cisneros weaves together the experiences of her Latina childhood in a series of interrelated, fictional, coming of age stories. Students will use pre-selected vignettes to identify traditions and cultural expectations before analyzing which to abandon and which to commit to.
Grafwallner, P (2017). Keeping Learning Real, Relevant, and Relatable. Edutopia.
A list of helpful reading and writing exercises designed to tap into students’ interests and experiences.
Harris, V. J. (2007). In Praise of a Scholarly Force: Rudine Sims Bishop. National Council of Teachers of English, 85(2), 152-153.
Mirrors, windows, and sliding glass doors are used as symbols to help students analyze multiple perspectives using text-to-text, text-to-self, and text-to-world connections.
MacCann, C., Jiang, Y., Brown, L. E. R., Double, K.S., Bucich, M.M & Minbashian, A. (2020). Emotional Intelligence Predicts Academic Performance: A Meta-Analysis. American Psychological Association, 146(2), 150-186.
The Hierarchical Model of Emotional Skills are thoroughly explained in order to build and maintain a culture of trust within the classroom.
Reuben, R. C. (2012). Bringing Mindfulness into the Classroom: A Personal Journey. Association of American Law Schools, 61(4), 674-682.
This resource provides concrete examples of incorporating mindfulness practices into the classroom in order to help activate students’ compassion and positivity.
Manela, T. (2016). Gratitude and Appreciation. American Philosophical Quarterly, 53(3), 281-294.
There is a difference between having gratitude and appreciation for someone or something. This resource will demonstrate for students when each selfless act is appropriate to employ in their everyday lives.
Minahan, J. (2019). Trauma-Informed Teaching Strategies. Educational Leadership: Making Schools a Safe Place, 77(2), 30-35.
As we learn how to recover from pandemic-related trauma, this resource equips educators with a toolbox of strategies to avoid turning students’ trauma into punishments.
King, M.L. (2010). Strength to Love. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press.
A tribute to non-violent resistance, this historical resource will build authentic, timely connections to Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King’s vision of tough mindedness and tenderheartedness.