Selected Teacher Bibliography
Anderson, Siwan, Lori A. Beaman, and Jean-Philippe Platteau. Towards Gender Equity in Development. Oxford University Press, 2018.
Several relevant case studies of female positionality in developing countries; can be used to build content knowledge to support independent student research at conclusion of unit.
Goldin, Claudia. “A Grand Gender Convergence: Its Last Chapter.” The American Economic Review 104, no. 4 (2014): 1091–1119.
Insight into the gender pay gap and how societies must address gendered temporal restraints to strive for actual gender equity in the workplace.
Gustafsson, Siv. Gender and Economics : A European Perspective. London ; New York: Routledge, 1997.
Provides a direct comparison between classical economic theories and those considering a female perspective; model for synthesizing economic principles with real-life case studies considering social and political outcomes of gender equality.
Hull, Kathleen E., and Robert L. Nelson. “Assimilation, Choice, or Constraint? Testing Theories of Gender Differences in the Careers of Lawyers [*].” Social Forces 79, no. 1 (September 2000): 229.
Introduces the idea of “constrained preferences” as a nuanced perspective to the gender pay gap debate; intellectual end goal for student understanding that can be presented in the context of a globalized economy.
Rivoli, Pietra. Travels of a T-Shirt in the Global Economy : An Economist Examines the Markets, Power, and Politics of World Trade. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley, 2015.
Foundational introduction to globalized trade system written in accessible language following the real-world supply chain used to create T-shirts.
Stiglitz, Joseph E. Making Globalization Work. New York: W.W. Norton & Co, 2007.
Comprehensive critique of neoliberal status quo of the contemporary global economy; focuses on how the field of economics along fails to consider significant social variables, such as gender inequality for the purpose of this unit.
Wheelan, Charles J. Naked Economics : Undressing the Dismal Science. New York: W. W. Norton, c2010.
Foundational introduction to macroeconomic concepts using real-world examples and accessible language.
Student Reading List and Classroom Materials
Dhaka Tribune. “Refusing to Pay Bangladesh Workers: Kylie Jenner’s Brand Says ‘Not Owned by GBG,’” July 4, 2020.
Article contextualizing “Do Now” question for Sample Lesson 3 (Optional Resource).
Economic Policy Institute. “What Is the Gender Pay Gap and Is It Real?: The Complete Guide to How Women Are Paid Less than Men and Why It Can’t Be Explained Away.” Accessed July 23, 2020.
Academic research broken up into sections for small group analysis in Sample Lesson 1.
Folbre, Nancy. For Love or Money: Care Provision in the United States. Russell Sage Foundation, 2012.
Book from which to pull excerpts for independent activity in Sample Lesson 2.
“IMF Members’ Quotas and Voting Power, and IMF Board of Governors.” Accessed July 23, 2020.
Online table detailing IMF voting representation for activity in Sample Lesson 2.
“Jordan Peterson Debate on the Gender Pay Gap, Campus Protests and Postmodernism - YouTube.” Accessed July 23, 2020.
Conservative dismissal of gender pay gap for introduction of Sample Lesson 1. “Episode 842: Showdown at the WTO.” Accessed July 23, 2020.
Podcast assigned as homework expanding on “neoliberalism” from Sample Lesson 2.
POV. Life and Debt | POV | PBS. Accessed July 23, 2020.
Documentary critiquing theoretical outcomes of IMF in practice for Sample Lesson 2.
Rivoli, Pietra. Travels of a T-Shirt in the Global Economy : An Economist Examines the Markets, Power, and Politics of World Trade. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley, 2015.
Chapter providing information for student groups to create timeline in Sample Lesson 3.
Shortall, Jessica. The US Needs Paid Family Leave--for the Sake of Its Future. TEDxSMU, 2015.
Video source for student groups to develop poster claims in Sample Lesson 2.
The Choices Program. “International Trade in a Globalized World.” Accessed June 30, 2020.
Foundational text for understanding free trade and globalism that will be periodically assigned throughout the unit. Preparation for students to understand specific concepts introduced in each Sample Lesson.
“What People Miss about the Gender Wage Gap - YouTube.” Accessed July 23, 2020.
Liberal rebuttal to dismissal of gender wage gap to conclude intro of Sample Lesson 1.
Wheelan, Charles J. Naked Economics : Undressing the Dismal Science. New York: W. W. Norton, c2010.
Homework reading assignment to give positive perspective of “downward harmonization” following critiques presented in Sample Lesson 3.