The unit has the potential to teach high school students the structure and function as well as the importance of biological molecules. This unit will also emphasize the importance of reading Nutritional Facts Labels, which help students understand what exactly they are consuming. Thus, they will learn the importance of a balanced diet. Armed with the knowledge in these areas, they are encouraged to incorporate an exercise regimen that will help them make good food choices and lead a healthy lifestyle. After all, we are what we eat. This unit could be modified for middle school and elementary level students and their teachers could show the Nutritional Fact Label. The teachers can then explain what the food the students consume and what the food is made up of. Teaching students the knowledge of reading the food labels and understanding portion sizes, calories consumed, and a balanced diet are particularly important for the inner-city student population. This is the main motivation behind the development of this unit. The author would like to ensure that her students can relate to the content of this unit such that they can apply it to their daily lives and share the knowledge with their friends, and family members.
This unit was originally inspired by an observation made by the author. The author observed that several of her students were consuming too many products rich in sugar content. These students did not possess the knowledge of calorie count and did not understand the Nutritional Facts Labels. Thus, they were not aware of the concept of a balanced diet. This observation echoes with the evidence from the latest research that the epidemic of obesity is negatively affecting young adults in the U.S. and the cases of type-2 diabetes are on the rise, especially amongst the inner-city young adults. Some of these debilitating diseases can be easily preventable through a balanced diet and exercise 10. The tough task is to educate young adults and drive home the idea of good nutrition. For example, the COVID-19 pandemic that is currently devastating the world population has forced nations across the world to go into lockdown and decreased opportunities for physical activities. Under these circumstances, knowing how to read the Nutritional Facts Labels and understanding the important role of a balanced diet could be crucial to one's health. Hence, through education, teachers will be able to empower their students to take charge of their diet as well as their health.