Line- a long, narrow mark or band.
Spiral -winding in a continuous and gradually widening (or tightening) curve, either around a central point on a flat plane or about an axis so as to form a spiral
Fibonacci spiral- a set of numbers that starts with a one or a zero, followed by a one, and proceeds based on the rule that each number
Logarithmic spiral-a spiral curve such that radii drawn from its pole or eye at equal angles with each other are in continual proportion.
Eye spy - I spy with my little eye something that has a spiral in it- an observer finds patterns in nature..
Natural spirals - The physical world and everything in it (such as plants, animals, mountains, oceans, stars, etc.) that is not made by people can include spirals. examples : Snail, shells, flower petals, pine cones, snakes, storms, DNA, curly hair, even galaxies.
Sit spot -A sit spot is simply a favorite place in nature (or looking out a window at nature) that is visited regularly to cultivate awareness, expand senses and study patterns of local plants, birds, trees, and animals. The practice supports mindfulness, builds routine and increases
Name: __________________________
grade: _______
Date: ________
Grade Level:
Unit: Spiral
Spiral Rubric
Not Yet
1 Point
2 Point
On Target
3 Points
Exceeds Expectations
4 Points
Students will be able to define line and spirals as well as identify examples of each in Nature. (pre/post assessment)
Student is not able to identify examples of line and visual spiral *0-4 correct on pre/post assessment
Student can identify - at least one spiral in nature and *5-9 were correct on pre/post assessment
Student is able to identify 5 or more examples of spirals in the world and are able to identify the terms. *10-13 correct on pre/post assessment
Student is able to identify 7 or more examples of spirals in the world and are able to identify the terms. *10-13 correct on pre/post assessment
Students will be able to apply their knowledge of visual spirals when they create a spiral composition
Student created a spiral google slide show based on showing 0-1 examples of visual spirals
Student created a spiral google slide show based on showing 1-2 examples of visual spirals
Student created a google slide show of at least 2 slides and used at least 2 visuals and no link to show their selected spiral.
Student created a google slide show of at least 3 slides and used at least 3 visuals and one link to depict their selected spiral.
Students will be able to demonstrate their knowledge of spiral by creating a google slide show Students will be able to demonstrate presenting skills oral presentation of google slide
Student did not yet consider the edges of the page when designing and creating their oil pastel spiral composition.
Student considered 2 edges of the page when designing and creating their oil pastel spiral composition.
Student considered 3 edges of the full page when designing and creating their oil pastel spiral composition.
Student considered all four edges of the full page when designing and creating their oil pastel spiral composition.
Students will be able to use elements and principles of design when creating their own spiral creation.
The student is still trying to create a composition.
The student created a composition of a spiral and is still considering what direction to research.
student created a composition of a spiral in a differing direction of the researched area of spirals.
Student created a composition that depicts exactly their selected researched area of spirals.
Students will use oil pastels in a painterly manner using layering, smudging and color mixing techniques
Student created a spiral composition using another media.
(unless student has sensory issues)
Student created a spiral composition using at least one different oil pastel technique: smudging, layering, scratching and color mixing with the oil pastels.
Student created a spiral composition using at least two different oil pastel techniques: smudging, layering, scratching and color mixing with the oil pastels.
Student created a spiral composition using at least three different oil pastel techniques: smudging, layering, scratching and color mixing with the oil pastels.
A LINE CAN BE …….worksheet
TEACHER EXAMPLE a line can be dotted —-------------------------------------
- __A LINE CAN BE________________________________________________________________________
- A LINE CAN BE __________________________________________________________________________________________________\
- _______A LINE CAN BE ______________________________________________________________________________
- ____A LINE CAN BE________________________________________________________________________________
- ___A LINE CAN BE __________________________________________________________________________________
- ___A LINE CAN BE ____________________________________________________________________________________
- ____A LINE CAN BE _______________________________________________________________________________________
- ___A LINE CAN BE ________________________________________________________________________________________________
- ____A LINE CAN BE ________________________________________________________________________________________
- ____A LINE CAN BE ________________________________________________________________________________________
Each line is worth 1 point - you got this!!!!!
In the space below and on the back on this sheet create sketch for your spiral composition :
____Grade spiral Unit Pre/Post Assessment
Name: ______________________________________ Date: _______________
Directions: Define each word the best you can and give an example of how it is used in art.
Each question is worth 1 point.
- What is a line?
- Please show at least 6 different ways A line can be?
_________________________ ___________________ ________________________
_________________________ ________________________ _____________________
- What is a spiral ?
- How or where can spirals be found in nature list ways ?
- What is an example of a visual spiral movement in art ?
- What is an example of someone having spiraling thoughts?
- How can the word spiral be used when thinking about weather?
- Where are spirals found in or under the water?