Joanne R. Pompano
Computer technology allows blind and visually impaired individuals the opportunity to access the vast array of information on the Internet. This is an important step for a population that traditionally was restricted in accessing information. In the past, a blind person could not access current journals unless they were read aloud or translated into braille for the individual. Today, a blind person is able to independently and instantaneously locate current journal articles on-line with the aid of a relatively inexpensive screen reader or braille translator connected to a computer.
Developed for students in grades 6-12, this unit will help students understand how the design or format of a webpage determines whether this resource can be conveniently accessed by a blind person or be an exercise in frustration.
This curriculum will allow students to explore the many challenges technology posses for a person with visual handicaps. The lessons provided will allow students to investigate websites that are accessible and those that are difficult or impossible to access. The information gained from these exercises will be used by the students to write their own accessible website.
(Recommended for Blind and Visually Impaired, grades 7-12)