Curriculum Units in Math, Science and Technology
Teaching Connecticut Academic Performance Test Skills in High School Classrooms Contents | Reference Lists
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Units in Computers and Technology
Volume | Volume Title | Curriculum Unit Title and Indexing Number | Summary |
Volume VII | Electronics in the 20th | From Dusty to Digital: | The unit requires students to analyze historical records related to the sinking of the Titanic. It focuses on the role of wireless telegraphy in the tragedy. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VII | Electronics in the 20th | The Cultural Impact of | The unit examines how technological breakthroughs impact culture. Beginning with the industrial revolution, the unit explores factors that lead to social change with special emphasis placed on the development of computer technology. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VII | Electricity | The Fax Systems: A Bright
| The unit focuses on the fax machine and its affect on business. The unit provides a section on the role the fax now plays in business as well as on the basic construction of the machine. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VII | Electricity | How Computers Have | The unit explores the history of the computer and how it has provided simplified methods for accounting. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume V | The Measurement of | Statistics and Spreadsheets | The unit uses student information to create spreadsheets. It includes detailed instructions for creating and using spreadsheets. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume IV | America in the Sixties: | IBM and the Growth of | The unit provides a brief history of the development of the computer and analyzes the role IBM has played in furthering its development and importance. Some lessons address sales, advertising and company organization as well. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VI | Computing | The Effective Use of | The unit addresses using computers to teach fractions. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative: |
Units in Mathematics and Problem Solving
Volume | Volume Title | Curriculum Unit Title and Indexing Number | Summary |
Volume VI | Global Change | Global Change for the | The unit provides an examination of the earth’s atmosphere and experiments in measuring air pressure, humidity, radiant energy, Wien’s Law, and distance. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume V | Human Nature, Biology and | An Introduction to | The unit defines and demonstrates probability theory. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume V | The Measurement of | Graphing Current Drug | The unit uses information on drug use to teach graphing skills. The unit teaches various types of graphing – bar graphs, circle graphs, tables and charts. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume V | The Measurement of | Measurements of | The unit uses statistics to look at the size, scope and changing patterns concerning teenage pregnancy in New Haven. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume V | The Measurement of | An Introduction to | The unit explains frequency distributions, histograms, frequency polygons and other topics. The unit includes sample problems and solutions. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume V | The Measurement of | Size, Error, and | The unit addresses the topic of sampling. The unit provides three sample problems for research that involves statistical sampling. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VIII | The Measurement of | Integration, The Skill That | The unit teaches analytical skills in reading graphs, using the scientific method and in researching and graphing data. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VIII | The Measure of | An Introduction to | The unit provides problems and instructional strategies in arithmetic mean, median, and frequency. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VIII | The Measure of | The Statistics Sampler | The unit is designed to introduce students to analyzing random sampling. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VIII | The Measure of | Some Statistical Problems | The unit addresses the basic elements of statistics. Exercises cover topics such as multiplying polynomials and chance. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VIII | The Measure of | Time after Time in the | The unit analyzes the complexities of adolescence while also teaching statistics in relation to students’ daily lives. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VIII | The Measure of | An Introduction to | The unit is divided into three sections: working with population in full sets of values, taking a random sampling and analyzing probability. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VIII | The Measure of | Statistical Drug Abuse and | The unit is designed to help students improve their ability to make decisions using statistical drug abuse as its main focus. The unit includes a student survey. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VII | Medical Imaging | Computed Tomography | The unit addresses the modality of nuclear magnetic resonance. Students practice analyzing and making computations. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume IV | Language and Writing | Practicing Precision: | The unit teaches mathematical language. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume V | Man and the Environment | Developing Environmental | The unit addresses ten basic math skills to make connections between people and their environment and to natural resources. The unit uses electricity as its primary subject for problem solving. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VII | Problem Solving | Problem Solving for the | The unit teaches approaches to word problems. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VII | Problem Solving | Word Problems Solved | The unit is designed for Consumer Math or Basic Algebra classes. The unit uses solutions made simple approach to teaching word problems. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VII | Problem Solving | Solving Problems by the | The unit addresses percentages using lessons in sales tax, discounts, commission and interest. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VII | Problem Solving | Topology | The unit discusses logical reasoning using topology, classifying and patterning. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VII | Problem Solving | Teaching Word Problems | The unit addresses word problems as requiring critical reading skills. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VII | Problem Solving | A Chronological History | The unit requires students to have a basic knowledge of fractions, decimals and basic geometry. The unit provides a brief history of the Pi concept and activities for using Pi. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative: |
Volume | Volume Title | Curriculum Unit Title and Indexing Number | Summary |
Volume VI | An Introduction to | The Continuity Equation, | The unit examines the concept of dynamic similarity. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VI | An Introduction to | Aerodynamics: The | The unit teaches basic mathematical concepts with an emphasis of their usability in the aircraft trade. Topics addressed include: force, lift and centrifugal force. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume V | Human Nature, Biology and | Some Geometry Activities | The unit asks students to make constructions in order to understand geometry. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VI | Science, Technology and | Bicycles | The unit uses bicycles to teach math, general science and mechanics. Topics addressed in the unit include: circles, velocity, acceleration, speed, rate of change, area and simple machines. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | Elements of Architecture, | There are no really tall | The unit focuses on the architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright to address students’ perceptual, organizational and technical skills. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | Elements of Architecture, | Mathematics | The unit discusses the concepts of measurement, scale drawing, ratio, proportion and symmetry. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | Elements of Architecture | Geometric Shapes | The unit uses architecture to teach circles, polygons, triangles, quadrilaterals, perimeter and area. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative: |
Units in Science
Volume | Volume Title | Curriculum Unit Title and Indexing Number | Summary |
Volume VI | Selected Topics in | "Out-of-this-World | The unit introduces the history of the U.S. space program. Focus is placed on scientific experiments conducted on space shuttles dating back to the 1980’s. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume IV | Selected Topics in | Where Are We | The unit integrates English and Math in a team-teaching situation. Emphasis is placed on the solar system and Earth’s position within the solar system. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VI | Selected Topics in | Asteroids, Comets, and | The unit is designed for chemistry, biology or environmental science classes. Lesson plans include a field trip to the Peabody Museum, slides, and current events. The unit makes use of the Internet for research. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VI | Selected Topics in | Seeing and Learning | This interdisciplinary unit analyzes sound and light waves. Music is used as a means for understanding the nature of waves and its many forms. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume V | Man and the Environment | The Evolution of Planets | The unit addresses the basic principles of evolution as applied to the plant kingdom. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative: |
Volume | Volume Title | Curriculum Unit Title and Indexing Number | Summary |
Volume V | How Do You Know? The | The Amazing DNA | The unit uses multiple intelligence strategies to present the history of the discovery of the double helix, to exemplify the relationship between structure and function and to integrate use of technology and discussion of ethics. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VII | The Population Explosion | Evolution, Population | The unit examines the nature of humanity through analysis of evolution and human anatomy. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VII | The Population Explosion | Culture, Crisis and | The unit combines two approaches – first, to look at stories and films to explore ideas about population and second, to experiment with populations of bacteria, algae, and insects. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VI | Genetics | Babies Deserve a Good | The unit examines alcoholism as a genetic disease. Scientific lessons include topics such as the composition of the cell, the basics of heredity, and scientific findings on genetics and predisposition of alcohol. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VI | Genetics | Parents are the Key: A | The unit introduces students to the field of genetics, genetic medicine and genetic engineering. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume V | Human Nature, Biology, and | A Study of Genetics | The unit requires students to have a basic background in genetics, sexual and asexual reproduction and molecular biology. The unit guides students to understanding DNA replication, meiosis and protein synthesis. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VII | Skeletal Materials – | Anatomy and Physiology of | The unit is designed for a class in human physiology. It provides a short histology of the bone and addresses the skeleton, muscles, parts of the knee and knee injuries in the lesson plans. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VII | Human Fetal Development | The Cell | The unit teaches the concept of the cell, its parts and functions. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VII | Human Fetal Development | Genetics | The unit is based on human genetics and involves lessons in math, sociology, history, anatomy and physiology. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VII | Human Fetal Development | Genes . . . The Nature of | The unit requires that students have had a previous introduction to genetics. The unit discusses the chemical nature and arrangement of DNA that makes up genes. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume IV | Writing Across the | Perception and | The unit provides writing assignments for use in a biology class. It discusses the senses in general, the eye, perception, illusion, sound, the ear, touch and smell. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume V | Man and the Environment | A Ninth Grade Teaching | The unit teaches human embryology with a short history of theories, an introduction to human reproductive systems and lessons in human embryonic development. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative: |
Volume | Volume Title | Curriculum Unit Title and Indexing Number | Summary |
Volume V | How Do You Know? The | Discovery Through | The unit takes a historical look at scientific discoveries and the elements of successful research. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume V | How Do You Know? The | The Rediscovery of Matter: | The unit explores the historical development of the modern atomic theory. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume V | How Do You Know? The | Infrared Spectroscopy: A | The unit is designed for students who have already studied atomic structure and bonding. The unit focuses on infrared spectroscopy as a way of determining the structure of organic compounds. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume V | The Geological Environment | Dewey and Chemistry: The | The unit focuses on Dewey’s educational tenets in order to teach the hydrological cycle in Chemistry. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume V | The Atmosphere and the | Experience-based | The unit is an example of contextual chemistry. The unit reflects SESAP theories for teaching Science and is centered on the philosophy that ‘experience teaches.’ The unit includes problem-based-learning component. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VII | Medical Imaging | From the Inside Out: The | The unit discusses the atomic basis of radiation, the structure of the atom, formation and affect of x-rays and fluoroscopy. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume I | Autobiography | Scientific Autobiography | The unit analyzes theories of scientific development: the Eureka theory and the Zeitgeist theory. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VII | Problem Solving | A Problem Solving | The unit introduces chemistry and the physical properties of matter. The unit demonstrates the importance of mathematical processes in chemistry. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative: |
Geology and Environmental Science
Volume | Volume Title | Curriculum Unit Title and Indexing Number | Summary |
Volume VI | Human-Environmental | Human Environmental | The unit presents a case study of Andalucia wetland area for students in environmental science, anatomy or physiology classes. The unit raises topics relating to groundwater contamination, loss of biological diversity, land management and human health. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VI | Human-Environmental | Asthma and the | The unit makes connections between city environment and asthma, also speculating the relationship between asthma and socioeconomic environment. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VI | Human-Environmental | The Impact of Poverty, | The unit focuses on Malaria but generally analyzes the many aspects of parasitic infection. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume III | Art and Artifacts: the | Technological Change in a | The unit uses the artifacts and the physical landscape of a harbor site to analyze energy use, waste disposal and various environmental problems such as whale extinction and the human impact in the area. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VII | Environmental Quality in the | Where are Environmental | The unit targets chemistry or earth science classes. Environmental topics addressed are pesticides, water pollution, air pollution, radon, carbon dioxide, and toxic waste. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VII | Environmental Quality in the | The Gaia Hypothesis: an | The unit examines the Gaia Hypothesis which provides a cybernetic approach to global village management where the problem is basically humans and culture, not nature. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VII | Environmental Quality in the | A Hands-On Approach to | The unit addresses problems of environmental quality such as pesticide residues and other environmental contaminants. The unit also looks at solutions related to farming, composting and organic gardening. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume V | The Geological Environment | Connecticut’s Freshwater | The unit analyzes the importance of and the negative image associated with Connecticut wetlands. The unit introduces concepts such as wetland hydrology and bio-geo-chemistry. Local wetlands covered in the unit span the state and include six major wetland areas. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume V | The Atmosphere and the | Climate and Ecology | The unit takes an ecosystem approach to ecology within the context of the climatic factors that shape living and non-living worlds. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume V | The Atmosphere and the | Integrating Mathematical | The unit connects math concepts to the study of atmosphere and the ocean. Math concepts addressed include functions, set theory, ratio and proportion, variation, calculation of distance, and the application of statistical graphs. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume V | Environmental Science | Environmental | The unit is designed for consumer math classes and focuses on linking everyday activities to broad environmental problems. Issues addressed include recycling, water pollution and evaluating consumer products. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VI | Global Change | The Great Continental | Beginning with an introduction on the history of continental drift, the unit examines the work of Wegener and Dutoit and the clues found to support the plate tectonic theory. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume III | The U.S. National | The Wilderness Concept – | The unit is divided into three parts: the evolution of ideas surrounding the concept of ‘wilderness’, an overview of history of conservation and preservation, and parks from a scientific perspective. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VI | Science, Technology and | The Science and | The unit discusses the physical properties of water, the water cycle, purification and water quality. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VI | Fossil Fuels; Occurrence; | Where, Oh Where Is | The unit looks at air pollution as the result of two major causes: population growth and technological activities. It provides an extensive glossary and explores the impacts of air pollution on aquatic and plant life while analyzing methods for controlling pollution. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VI | Fossil Fuels; Occurrence; | Atmospheric Changes | The unit examines air pollution caused by emissions from coal industries. The unit provides lessons on calculating the effects of pollutants, air pollution chemistry and the legal problems in assigning fault to corporations. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VI | Fossil Fuels; Occurrence; | Motivational Techniques | The unit looks at air pollution’s effect on humans and weather and climate. Lessons on the greenhouse effect are also included. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume IV | History as Fiction in Central | The Geophysics and | The Greater Antilles, otherwise known as the West Indies, are examined as mountain areas that had submerged from the ocean. Some cultural analysis is provided, related to climate and environment. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VII | Skeletal Materials – | Inland Wetlands | The unit explores the importance of inland wetlands and analyzes the water lily to discuss the formation of oxalate crystals on its leaves. The unit includes a visit to and survey of a wetland area. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VI | Geology and the Industrial | Wintergreen Brook | The unit combines map and field studies to present geological and hydrological processes and evolution. The unit is designed mostly for a course in Ecology. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VI | Geology and the Industrial | The Mill River | The unit addresses the hydrologic cycle, a map study, and development of waterpower. The unit focuses on the hydrology of the Mill River Basin for lessons. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume V | The Human Environment: | Water, Promises and | The unit analyzes the increasing demands and lack of appreciation for water. It discusses the chemical makeup of water and recent hazardous spills into water supplies. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume V | The Human Environment: | Solar Energy | The unit is designed for grade 9 science classes. It analyzes the use of solar energy as an alternative source. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume V | The Human Environment: | Creating Our Energy | The unit examines current sources of energy and makes predictions about the future of energy availability. The unit is most appropriate for grade 9. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative: |
Volume | Volume Title | Curriculum Unit Title and Indexing Number | Summary |
Volume II | Environmental and | Stress, Soldiers | The unit reviews the stress concept, the effects of stress on soldiers (Post-traumatic Stress Disorder) and the effects of stress on teenagers. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume II | Environmental and | Is Gulf War Syndrome a | The unit guides students through examining evidence from war and its medical effects, government comments, the nature of casualty, and media coverage. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume V | Adolescence/Adolescents’ | Adolescent Obesity | The unit teaches nutrition and analyzes the psychological, social and health factors associated with obesity. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume V | Adolescence/Adolescents’ | AIDS and Adolescence | The unit traces the development of AIDS research in the early 1990’s and provides strategies for addressing questions about AIDS in the classroom. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VII | Skeletal Materials – | The Calcium Cycle | The unit explores the importance of calcium to the human body, the chemistry of calcium and the connection between calcium and the Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VII | Medical Imaging | An Historical Overview of | The unit provides an outline of events leading to the discovery of the X-Ray and demonstrates the relationship between mangetism, electricity, vacuums, cathode rays and x-rays. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VII | Medical Imaging | Imaging the Human Body | The unit emphasizes the medical applications of ultrasound. Students can view slides and identify images. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VII | Human Fetal Development | Environmental Causes | The unit examines drugs, chemicals, radiation and diseases that may have serious affects on pregnant women and unborn children. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative: |
Volume | Volume Title | Curriculum Unit Title and Indexing Number | Summary |
Volume VII | What Makes Airplanes Fly? | Aerodynamics and Me | The unit examines the scientific principles of aerodynamics along with the early contributors to the field. Students will work with the metric system, Newton’s Laws and navigation problems. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VII | What Makes Airplanes Fly? | Mankind’s Fascination | The unit presents an overview of the early history of flight, specifically of the Wright Brothers and their experiments. Other activities familiarize students with the mechanics of flight. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VII | What Makes Airplanes Fly? | Ship and Airplane Testing: | The unit examines aerodynamics as a division of fluid mechanic, related to boat design. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative: analysis and the continuity equation.
Volume VII | What Makes Airplanes Fly? | The History of Flight and | The unit provides a historical overview of the development of the aircraft. The unit makes mathematical applications in Geometry and Dynamic Programming. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VII | Introduction to | Daedalus: The Long | The unit uses the Daedalus myth to introduce an interdisciplinary study of the evolution of flight. The unit provides a brief history of flight and an analysis of the physics of flight. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VI | Science, Technology and | Bicycles | The unit uses bicycles to teach math, general science and mechanics. Topics addressed in the unit include: circles, velocity, acceleration, speed, rate of change, area and simple machines. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume VI | Science, Technology and | Let There Be Light | The unit addresses the technology of light production. Topics covered include prisms and lenses, wave motion, the functioning of the eye and light manipulating devices. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume V | Man and the Environment | The Energy Crisis | The unit addresses energy crisis in the world with a focus on fossil fuels, nuclear power and international politics regarding the issue. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative:
Volume V | Man and the Environment | Matter | The unit addresses the law of conservation of matter – analyzing techniques of measurement, structure, action and reaction. An additional element of the unit addresses the pharmacology of matter and its uses in treating mental and physical health. Elements to support CAPT and New Haven Literacy Initiative: |
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