Jay M. Brown
Allport, Gordon W.
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Anti Defamation League, 1948.
Alpenfels, Ethel.
Sense and Nonsense About Race
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Baruch, Dorothy W.
Glass House of Prejudice
. Morrow, 1946.
Billings, Charles.
Racism and Prejudice
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Bowen, J. D.
Struggle Within: Race Relations in the U.S.
Norton, 1965
Carter, Hodding.
The Angry Scar: Story of Reconstruction
. Doubleday, 1959.
Epstein, B., and A. Forster.
Some of My Best Friends . . .
Farrar, 1962.
Gersten, I. F., and B. Bliss.
Ecidujerp, Prejudice: Either Way It Don’t Make Sense
. Anti Defamation League, 1974.
Gould, K. M.
They Got The Blame: Story of Scapegoats in History
. Association Press, 1944.
Hass, Ben.
Regency, 1963.
Handlin, Oscar.
The Uprooted.
Little, Brown, 1973.
Out of Many.
Anti Defamation League, 1948.
and Mary F. Handlin.
Danger in Discord
. Anti Defamation League, 1948.
Hirsch, S. Carl.
The Riddle of Racism.
Viking, 1972.
Racism in America
. McDougal, Tittel, 1974.
Hoff, Rhoda.
America’s Immigrants
. Walck, 1974.
Kennedy, John F.
A Nation of Immigrants
. Harper, 1964.
Marrow, Alfred J.
Changing Patterns of Prejudice
. Chilton, 1962.
McCuen, Gary E.
The Racist Reader
. Greenhaven, 1973.
Miles, Betty.
All It Takes Is Practice.
Knopf, 1973.
Montagu, Ashley.
The Concept of Race
. Crowell-Collier, 1964.
Man’s Most Dangerous Myth: The Fallacy of Race
. World, 1964.
Nye, Loyal.
What Color Am I?
Abingdon, 1977.
Osofsky, Gilbert.
The Burden of Race.
Harper and Row, 1966.
Powdermaker, Hortense.
Probing Our Prejudice
. Harper, 1944.
Rose, Arnold.
The Roots of Prejudice
. UNESCO, 1958.
Turner, Mary.
We, Too, Belong.
Dell, 1969.
Van Til, William.
Prejudiced: How Do People Get That Way?
Anti Defamation League, 1948.
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The Immigrant Experience: The Anguish of Becoming American
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