Jones, Wilmer L.
for Today. (Level Green) New York: Sadlier Oxford, 1979. (Excellent problems for enrichment students.)
Lankford, Francis G., and Goe, William E.
Consumer Mathematics
. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 1974. (Good source for consumer problem solving questions and ideas.)
Lucier, David and Lucier, Joyann. “An Experience in Everyday Economics,” Arithmetic Teacher, 27,5 (Jan. 80) (Excellent ideas for writing small units.)
Trooboff, Benjamin M., and Boyd, Fannie Lee.
Personal Finance for Consumers
. New Jersey: General Learning Press, 1976. (A thorough text for learning about personal finance, not for remedial readers.)
Williams, Ed, et al.
Mathematics for Today
. (Level Blue) New York: Oxford Book Co., Inc., 1976. (Excellent variety of realistic consumer problems.)
Wiltsie, David H. Skills for Everyday Living. (Book 2) California: Motivation Development Inc., 1978. (Good problem solving activities.)