Bates, Daisy.
Thee Long Shadow of Little Rock
. New York: David McKay company, 1962. Personal account of events in Little Rock, Arkansas in 1957 around the desegregation struggle.
Clandinen, Dudley. “Rulings on School Integration Key Target for Conservatives”.
New York Times
(May 17, 1982): A1:1-2. An article about recent growth of conservatives’ control of the executive branch, the Senate and the House and their attack on the federal courts.
Coles, Robert.
Children of Crisis
. New York: A Delta Book, 1967. A psychiatrist’s personal account of the effects of the desegregation struggle on both Black and White children. A warm, humane discussion.
——— .
Farewell to the South
. Boston: Little Brown and Co., 1972. A further discussion on the effects of desegregation on the people of the South.
Grant, Joanne (ed.).
Black Protest
. Greenwich, Connecticut: A Fawcett Premier Book, 1968. An interesting collection of primary sources on Black history—both documents and analysis.
Greenhouse, Linda. “Justices Rule Mandatory Busing May Go, Even If Races Stay Apart,”
New York Times
(January 16, 1991): A1+.
Gunther, Gerald.
Cases and Materials on Constitutional Law
, 10th Edition. Mineola, N.Y.: The Foundation Press, 1980. Basic collection of important Supreme Court cases used in law school classes dealing with constitutional law. It contains both the decisions and extensive commentary.
Kluger, Richard.
Simple Justice
. New York: Vintage Books, 1975. An extremely detailed and fascinating history of the century long struggle for equal rights that led to the Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas, decision.
Lewis, Anthony.
The Second American Revolution
. New York: Random House, 1964. A New York Times’ reporter’s first hand account of the civil rights struggle in the South.
Miller, Loran.
The Petitioners
. New York: The World Publishing Co., 1966. A fascinating history of the Supreme Court of the United States and Black America.
Woodward, C. Vann.
The Strange Career of Jim Crow
. New York: Oxford University Press, 1966. An historical description and analysis of the growth of Jim Crow legislation and life style in the South.
Wright, Richard.
Uncle Tom’s Children
. New York: Harper and Row, 1937. A collection of stories about growing up Black in the Jim Crow South.
Annotated Film Bibliography
Eyes on the Prize
, Vol 1 and 2, Boston, Mass.: Blackslide, Inc. l986.
These two volumes trace the early history of the civil rights movement in the nineteen fifties. The footage is authentic. The commentary is well presented and easy to follow. The whole set consists of six volumes that go up though the late sixties.