Tactical positions undertaken in Africa are more often remote jungle villages or small settlements. An effective scale model relief map of an African village landscape can be made in the classroom.
This can utilize either paper mache or prepared modeling compounds, used by model railroaders. For paper mache; you mix wheatpaste and water—and tear up fine strips of newspaper or paper toweling. Dipping each strip of paper, one at a time apply to a wooden board about a square yard in size.
In preparing the paper modeling compound which is superior because it gives a more earthlike result:
1. Put measured amount into a container.
2. Add water and mix completely.
3. Stop adding water when mix clings together.
4. Let mixture stand for 15 minutes.
Work it onto the board with a small putty knife in order to make hills, valleys and lakes. Keep wetness to a minimum. Make small farm houses out of blocks of wood: fences can be constructed from ice cream sticks that are broken and glued. Small figures of people and animals can be bought inexpensively in hobby stores to complete the rural construction. Native huts can be made out of thimbles or thread spools covered with twine.
From this base the imagination is the only limitation.
Answers Pre/Post Test
1. c
2. c
3. b
4. false
5. false
6. false
7. false
8. false
9. false
10. true