Aardema, Verna, ed.
Why Mos_quitoes Buzz in Peoples Ears
. New York: The Dial Press, 1975 A children’s picture book, illustrated, 17 pages.
Dolch, Marquerite.
Stories From Africa
. Chicago: Garrard Publishing Company, 1975. This book contains sixteen African stories written in large print. Illustrated, 168 pages.
Elliot, Geraldine.
The Singing Chameleon
. Pennsylvania: Dufour Editions, 1963. Twelve tales from Africa. There is a pronunciation key at the end of the book. Illustrated. 169 pages.
Gates, Doris.
A Fair Wind For Troy
. New York: Viking Press, 1976. Five Greek tales about the Trojan War. This eighty-two page book contains a glossary and it is illustrated.
Gates, Doris.
The Golden God
. New York: Viking Press 1973. Twenty Greek tales written in large print. The 108 page book contains a glossary and it is illustrated.
Gates, Doris.
Two Queens of Heaven: Aphrodite and Demeter
. New York: Viking Press, 1974. Ten Greek tales about Aphrodite and Demeter. This large print book is illustrated and contains a glossary.
Green, Lila.
Folktales and Fairy Tales of Africa.
New Jersey: Silver Burdett Company, 1967. Each of the eleven African tales has an introductory paragraph explaining the origin of the tale. Glossary and pronunciation key, illustrated, 95 pages.
Guirma, Frederic.
Tales of Mogho
. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1971. Eight folktales from the Mossi clan of West Africa, The 113 page book has a glossary and pronunciation guide in the front and it is illustrated.
Haley, Gail E., ed.
A Story
. New York: Athenaeum, 1970. One of the may African Spider stories is told in this children s picture book. 24 pages.
Hughes, Langston.
The First Book of Africa
. New York: Franklin Watts, Inc., 1961. This book contains background information about Africa’s history, customs and government. 79 pages.
Johnston, Norma.
Strangers Dark and Cold
. New York: Athenaeum, 1975. This book tells the story of Jason, Medea and the Argonauts in search of the golden fleece. 234 pages.
Lowrey, Janette Sebring.
In the Morning of the World
, New York: Harper & Row, 1944. This one hundred and sixty-eight page book contains twenty Greek myths about certain occupations ‘The Physician’’, “The Musician” and The Artist‘.
Robinson, Adjai, ed.
Singing Tales of Africa
. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1974. Seven tales from Sierra Leone retold by a native of that country. The book contains an informative introduction and notes on each tale. Illustrated, 80 pages.
Robinson, Adjai, ed.
Tree African Tales
. New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1979. Three tales from Sierra Leone. Illustrated, 47 pages.
Selections from Bulfinch’s Age of Fable.
A Book of Myths
. New York: Macmillan Company, 1958. This one hundred and twenty-six page book contains thirty tales about Greek and Roman heroes and gods. The tales are listed by the names of the heroes or gods.
Squire, James R. and Barbara L. Squire.
Greek Myths and Legends
. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1967. This text book contains seventeen myths and legends of Greece written in large print with illustrations. 248 pages.
Sturton, Hugh.
Zomo, the Rabbit
. New York: 1966. Eleven tales from the Hausa clan of Africa. Publisher’s note of the origin of the tales. Illustrated 125 pages.
‘The Homecoming of Ulysses.
Scholastic Scope
, 4 February 19831 PP. 6-4 A dramatization of Homer’s Odyssey.