Martinez, Angel Luis. “The Impact of Adolescent Pregnancy on Hispanic Adolescent and Their Families.”
Teenage Pregnancy in
Family Context, Implications For Policy
, Ed. Theodora Ooms. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1981. pp. 326-344.
This paper includes information gathered from the few studies available on Hispanic pregnancy and ends with a list of potential research topics.
Sadler, Lois, M.S.N. and C. Catrone, MA. “The Adolescent Parent: A Dual Developmental Crisis.”
Journal of Adolescent Health Care.
1983; 4:100-5.
This paper examines developmental characteristics of adolescents and beginning parents. In the case of many teenage parents, specific developmental tasks of adolescence affect and may potentially conflict with the tasks of early parenthood.
Savitt, D. Jill. “Sex Roles, Courting and Marriage Among Puerto Rican Teenagers.”
Human Sexuality and Human Society
, New Haven: Yale New Haven Teachers Institute, Summer, 1981. pp. 34Ð.
This paper provides excellent discussion of traditional male and female roles and contemporary dilemmas for early adolescents. It contains creative lessons and appropriate reading materials for middle school students.
Sowell, Thomas.
Ethnic America, A History.
“The Puerto Ricans”, Chap. 9. New York: Basic Books, Inc., 1981.
This chapter provides information on the history of Puerto Rican migration to the mainland and discusses contemporary social issues for Hispanics.
Teenage Pregnancy
The Problem
Hasn’t Gone Away,
New York: The Alan Guttmacher Institute. 1981.
This report contains statistics on many aspects of teenage sexuality: sexual activity and marriage, contraceptive use, pregnancy and its resolution, adolescent births, consequences of teenage childbearing, sex education, family planning services and contraceptive research, services to pregnant teenagers, adolescent parents and their babies.
(In print) Salguero, Carlos, M.D. , M.P.H. “The Role of Ehthnic Factors in Adolescent Pregnancy and Motherhood”,
Teenage Parenthood
, fall, 1983.