Asimov, Isaac.
Inside the Atom
. Abelard Schuman, London, 1966.
Written first person. Good diagrams, biographic data.
Beeler, Nelson, and Branley, Franklyn.
Experiments with Atomis
. Thomas Y. Crowell Co., New York 1954.
Many simple demonstration experiments to understand atomic structure.
Ellis, R. Hobart.
Knowing the Atomic Nucleus
. Lothrop, Loe & Shepard Co., New York 1973.
For young people, juvenile, well illustrated. Story of nucleus discovery, and concepts of atomic structure.
Gallant, Roy A.
Explorers of the Atom
. Doubleday & Co., Garden City, New York, 1974.
Tells of development of atom. Illustrated.
Hecht, Selig.
Explaining the Atom
. Viking Press, 1959.
For those of no science background but quite detailed and illustrated. X-Ray discussion good, pg. 45.
McKown, Robin.
The Fabulous Isotopes
. Holiday House, New York, 1962.
How isotopes can be used for or against mankind and what they are.