Joseph A. Montagna
Ball, W.W. Rouse,
A Short Account of the History of Mathematics
, Dover Publications Inc. New York 1960, 5th ed.
This book is especially suited for the teacher who wishes to preface the work in this unit with an account of mathematical knowledge that predates the Greek influence. Also helpful in supplying the details of the work of the Greeks.
Boyer, Carl B.,
A History of Mathematics
, Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1968
Each chapter of this book contains essay questions for the reader, as well as some math exercises. This book is appropriate for the teacher with weak or strong background in mathematics. The author writes clearly on mathematics from the ancients to the 20th century.
Brunes, Tons
The Secrets of Ancient Geometry
, International Science Publications, Copenhagen, 1967
A detailed account of the secret geometry of the ancients, which also speculates on the first experiences with geometry and number. This book would be an excellent resource for details regarding man’s early experiences with mathematics. Included in this book are drawings of ancient structures and their geometric analysis.
Burkert, Walter,
Lore and Science in Ancient Pythagoreanism
, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1972
Every angle of Pythagoreanism and its influence is covered in this book. It is an excellent resource. The author presents the best research available to date on a figure who has been virtually lost to history.
Gorman, Peter,
Pythagoras: A Life
, Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd., London, 1979
The exhaustive research that went into the writing of this book has produced one of the most complete biographies of Pythagoras. The author presents a number of viewpoints based on this research regarding the philosophies of Pythagoras.
Hammond, N.G.L., & Scullard, H.H.,
Oxford Classical Dictionary
, 2nd ed., Oxford University Press, 1970
The editors of this reference source have compiled the articles on nearly any topic or figure of the classical world. This book contains capsulized articles on men who have made their mark on the progress of ancient civilizations.
Heath, Sir Thomas,
A History of Greek Mathematics
, Volume I, Simon & Schuster, New York, 1965
This book traces the history of Greek mathematics from Thales, Pythagoras’ teacher, to Euclid, compiler of Greek work on geometry. This work would be an excellent resource for gathering details on important figures of ancient mathematics.
Heath, Sir Thomas,
The Thirteen Books of Euclid’s Elements
, Dover Publications, Inc., New York, 1965
This book contains an excellent introduction plus Euclid’s Books I & II.