Porfirio D’az 1876 1911
Francisco I. Madero November 6, 1911February 22, 1913
Venustiano Carranza May 1, 1917May 21, 1920
Adolfo de la Huerta June 1, 1920November 30, 1920
Alvaro Obregón December 1, 1920November 30, 1924
Plutarco Elias Calles December 1, 1924November 30, 1928
Emilio Portes Gil December 1, 1928February 4, 1930
Pascual Ortiz Rubio February 5, 1930September 3, 1932
Abelardo J. Rodriguez September 3, 1932November 30, 1932
Lazaro Cardenas December 1, 1934November 30, 1940
Manuel Avila Camacho December 1, 1940November 30, 1946
Miguel Aleman Valdes December 1,1946November 30, 1952
Adolfo Ruiz Cortines December 1, 1952November 30, 1964
Teachers’ and Students’ Bibliography
Braden, Charles.
Religious Aspects of the Conquest of Mexico
. Durham, North Carolina: Duke University, 1930. This text gives an excellent description of the religion of the Mesoamerican Indians. It also goes into the religious practices and the similarities between the Mexican religions and Christianity. Superb reading.
Brenner, Anita.
The Wind that Swept Mexico
. Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press, 1977. Only one hundred pages of text on the Mexican Revolution (19101942) with one hundred eightyfour historical news photographs. This is a good text to use when explaining the Mexican struggle.
Burnett, Jane.
Muchas Facetas de México
. Skokie, Illinois: National Textbook Company, 1977. An easy to read text about the fascinating contrasts, complexities and cultures of Mexico.
Caso, Alfonso.
The Aztecs: People of the Sun
. Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press, 1958. Fabulous fountain of historical facts about the Aztecs. It deals with the character of the Aztec religion along with the many gods and their legends. A must reading!
D’az de Castillo, Bernal.
Historia verdadera de la conquistada de la Nueva Espa–a
. South Americas: Fernández Editorial, ND. Incredible book written in Spanish from first hand knowledge of the conquest. It includes bibliographies on most of the first books written on Mexico along with a bibliography on the indigenous characters of Mexican history.
Fehrenbach, T.R.
Fire and Blood
. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1973. Another excellent of the atrocities of the tyrannies that have enslaved the Mexican people.
Gibson, Charles.
The Aztec Under Spanish Rule
. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 1964. A history of the Indians of the Valley of Mexico between 15191810. It describes how the Indians were converted.
Pendle, George.
A History of Latin America
. New York: Penguin Books, 1973. A history of Latin America as an entity on to itself. This text emphasizes how the many races and classes have contributed to the Latin America of today. A must reading!
Ramos, Samuel.
Diego Rivera
. Mexico: Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, 1958. This text is written in Spanish. It dwells on Rivera’s reasons for painting and his style. Enjoyable.
Silva, R.S.E.
Official Guide Book to Diego Rivera’s Frescoes
... Mexico City, Mexico: National Department of Tourism, 1966. A descriptive guide of the National Palace and elsewhere. Most of Diego Rivera’s murals are explained in the master’s own words. Incredible!
Rivera, Diego.
My Art, My Life
. New York s The Citadel Press, 1960. Diego gives his own personal account on how he became one of Mexico’s renowned artist. It is lively and full of anecdotes. Fascinating reading!
Wolfe, Bertram D.
Diego Rivera: His Life and Times
. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1939. This biography was authorized by Diego Rivera. The artist opened his files and papers, answered questions, and gave addresses of his sister, relatives, and friends. It also includes innumerable photographs. Interesting reading!
Wolfe, Bertram D.
The Fabulous Life of Diego Rivera
. New York: Stein and Day Publishers, 1963. This book was published six years after Diego Rivera’s death. Fresh version of earlier text.
Toro, Leonor, et.al.
America—Las Americas
. Connecticut Migratory Children’s Program Ethnic/Arts Component. A pamphlet dedicated to Mexico which highlights the positive. It has much information.
VI. Notes:
Bertram D. Wolfe,
Diego Rivera: His Life and Times
. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1939), p. 15.
IBID p. 11.
IBID p. 18.
IBID p. 20.
IBID pp. 2324.
IBID p. 25.
IBID p. 28.
IBID p. 62.
IBID p. 66.
IBID p. 106
IBID pp. 204205 .
IBID p. 296.
IBID p. 298 .
IBID p. 313.