Baity, Elizabeth Chesley.
Americans Before Columbus
, The Junior Literary Guild and the Viking Press, New York, 1951, 241 p. An excellent book filled with information about all American tribes. The one chapter is only ten pages (145155) but contains a wealth of information, is enjoyable reading and provides a good foundation.
Bleeker, Sonia.
The Sea Hunters, Indians of the Northwest Coast
, Morrow Junior Books, William Morrow and Company, New York, 1951. 156 p. Written in storybook style, it tells the story of the Northwest Coast Indians daily lives to present times. Easy reading, provides insight into basic Indian existence.
Brindze, Ruth.
The Totem Pole
, Vanguard Press, New York, 1951. 63 p. Very easy reading, excellent for lower grades. Simple, but contains enough information to be helpful.
Gridley, Marion E.
American Indian Tribes
, Dodd, Mead, New York, 1974, 183 p. Historically informative, but somewhat difficult reading, geared more for the serious student.
Hofsinde, Robert.
Indian Picture Writing
, William Morrow and Co., New York, 1959 96 p. Exciting little book. Great for children who enjoy doing puzzles or figuring out secret messages.
Holder, Glenn.
Talking Totem Poles
, Dodd, Mead and Co., New York, 1973. 76 p. Excellent reading. Easy to read, and filled with exciting information. Provides a good solid background for the study of the totem pole.
Hunt, W. Ben.
The Complete Book of Indian Crafts and Lore
, Golden Press, New York, 1976. 103 p. Very instructive. Filled with Indian related projects students can make. Good illustrations and diagrams, easy to follow.
Tunis, Edwin.
. The World Publishing Co., Cleveland and New York, 1959. 153 p. General information about American Indians. Limited information provided regarding totem poles.