Ancient Egypt
. Washington, D. C.: The National Geographic Society, 1978. Beautiful, large photographs; excellent for classroom presentation, especially the chapters on pyramids (pp. 73101) and Pathways to the Gods (pp. 154201).
Budge, E.A. Wallis.
The Mummy
. New York: Causeway Books, 1974. A virtual encyclopedia on every aspect of Egyptian mummification, especially details on Egyptian funerals, mummies, canopic jars (pp.153201) and shawabti figures (pp. 211215). Highly recommended.
Budge, E.A. Wallis.
Dwellers On The Nile: The Life, History, Religion and Literature of the Ancient Egyptians.
New York: Dover Publications, Inc, 1977. Excellent encyclopediatype detail on all aspects of Egyptian life, especially on religion (pp. 201234) and the dead and afterlife (pp. 269289). Highly recommended.
David, A. Rosalie, Ph.D.
The Making of the Past: The Egyptian Kingdoms.
New York: E.P. Dutton and Co., Inc., 1975. A complete survey of the early history. Has excellent charts, beautiful illustrations, especially on pyramids (pp.3547) and on the connection between art and religion (pp. 6591).
Erman, Adolf.
Life in Ancient Egypt.
New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1971. Good sections on the Osiris cult (pp. 269271), the soul of man and his “ka”, tombs, funerals (pp. 306327)
Morenz, Sigfried.
Egyptian Religion.
Ithica, New York: Cornell University Press, 1973. Good chapter on the religious origin of Egyptian civilization (pp. 616) and on the Egyptians’ lifelong consciousness of death and the creative consequences in the forms of pyramids and art (pp. 183212).
Prown, Jules David. “Mind in Matter : An Introduction to Material Culture Theory and Method.” Reprinted from
Winterthur Portfolio
. The Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum, 1982. Highly recommended for details of methodology of object analysis used in this unit. Short—only 16 pages, but extremely useful for explanation of material culture approach.
Scott, Nora.
The Daily Life of the Ancient Egyptians
. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art. A picture book with beautiful photographs of objects from the Museum’s collection. Very useful for classroom presentation.
ShŠfer, Heinrich.
Principles of Egyptian Art
. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1974. Presents much technical detail on art; useful especially for information on servant figures (pp. 31718).
Steindorff, George and Keith C. Seele.
When Egypt Ruled The East
. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1957. Chapters on religion (pp. 132155) and art (pp. 156200).
A General Introductory Guide to the Egyptian Collection
. The Trustees of the British Museum, 1964. Good sections on mummification (pp. 143148), shawbtis (pp. 153157), and, in general, about religion and art (pp. 112220).