Writing for Power: 39 Activities to Build Persuasive
by Thomas A. Smith.
Of Course You Can Write!
By Mary Terese Donze.
Carefully structured exercises and twenty-one worksheets on using specific elements of writing and successful writing patterns for students to model.
The Student Writer Activity Book
by Bob Scrivens. These activities encourage students to think, observe and write about themselves and their experiences.
125 Photos for English Composition Classes
by teacher/photographer H. I. Kellner. Each photo has a structured writing assignment printed on the back.
Starters for Writing and Discussion
by Bob Scrivens. This book is effective with average and below-average students in grades seven to ten.
All of the above can be ordered from J. Weston Walch, Publisher, 321 Valley Street, P.O. Box 658, Portland, Maine 04104-0658.
Composition Check-Lists
show how students can identify many of the errors on their papers, thus freeing the teacher to give more attention to style, meaning, organization and content. From Stratton-Christian Press, Inc. Box 1055, University Place Station, Des Moines, Iowa 50311-0055.
Videotape Series:
The English Modules
by Sarah D’Eloia, Barbara Gray, Blanche Skurnick, Mina Shavgnessy and Alice Trillin. Produced by New York Network, an affiliate of the State University of New York, 60 East 42nd Street, New York, N.Y. 10017.