Clarence Roberts, Jr.
, Patricia, “
Many Americans—One Nation
”, Noble and Noble Publishers, Inc., 1974.
This textbook examines the roles of various ethnic groups as they blend to create a unified nation. Teaches children that we are all different but all of us contributed to the whole.
Eric P., “
The Land and People of Poland
”, J.B. Lippincott Comp. 1972 (revised).
This book tells about the conditions in Poland and its people. It tells about the limited natural resources of Poland and how that situation impacted on the lives of the Polish population.
, Allen Y., et. al., “
The United States and the Other Americans
” MacMillian Publishing Co., Inc., 1982.
This text examines the growth and development of the United States in comparison to the growth and development of the other Americans.
, Peter G., et. al., “
The United States: Past and Present
”, Cambridge Box Company, 1975.
This text is a comparison of the United States as it existed in the past and as it exist today.
, Frances, “
The Land and People of Italy
”, Lippincott, 1972 (revised).
This book examines the relationship between the land and people of Italy.
, Jawn A., ed., et. al., “
The AfroAmerican In United States History
”, Globe Book Comp., N.Y., N.Y., 1972.
This text discusses the plight of blacks from the empires of Africa to the Civil Rights movement as it related to the United States.