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Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers
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B. Baxter. 1967, 2nd impression 1977.
Architecture: Examples and Theory
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William Ralph Bennett, Jr. 1976.
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Engineering Problem-Solving with the Computer
. Prentice Hall, Inc.
W. J. Duncan. 1953.
Physical Similarity and
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. London: Edward Arnold & Co.
Walther Kaufmann. I963.
Fluid Mechanics
. McGraw Hill Book Company, Inc.
Henry L. Langhaar. 1951, fourth printing March 1960.
Dimensional Analysis and Theory of Models
. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
W. Muckle. 1956.
Modern Naval Architecture
. New York: Philosophical Library
Cecil H. Peabody. 1917.
Naval Architecture
. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Alan Pope and John J. Harper. 1966.
Low-Speed Wind
Tunnel Testing
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Essentials of Fluid Dynamics
. New York: Hafner Publishing Company.
Hunter Rouse. 1946, Eleventh printing, October, 1957.
Elementary Mechanics of Fluids
. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
D. W. Taylor. 1893. Resistance of Ships and Screw
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Theodore won KCrmCn. 1954.
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