Teacher will have taught Cuban History 1850-1900. Teacher will have taught José Mart’’s role in independence movement.
Students will become familiar with the writings of José Mart’. Students will develop discussion, reading, historical prospective skills.
Essay “My Race”—available at YNHTI, 53 Wall St. “Compromiso”
Part 1
1. Discuss what racism is. Give examples.
2. Students will read “My Race.”
3. Students will discuss José Mart’’s ideas concerning racism.
4. Students will analyze how this essay relates in today’s society.
Part 2
1. Discuss what duty means.
2. Students will read the following: The Old Man from Mount Vernon, the priest from Dolores and the hero that tired his horse out on the plains at noon are not different men in America. . . .Washington, Bolivar and Hidalgo are not different men in America . . . A man is the instrument of duty; this is how you become a man. (Abel, p. 115)
3. Identify: Washington—leader of American Revolution vs. Britain Hidalgo—Mexican priest involved in movement vs. Spain Bolivar—Venezuelan liberator of Latin America from Spanish rule
4. Have students re-read.
5. Written homework:
a. How does this excerpt relate to events in Cuba during Mart’’s time?
b. What does the last line mean? (Accept non-historical answers too.)
c. Do you agree with Mart’’s idea of duty? Explain.