Aviation Education Source Book
. The School of Education, Stanford University. Hastings House Publishers, Inc. New York 1946.
This book presents materials suitable for the classroom from the primary level up through junior high. Its filled with lots of ideas, experiments and things to do for all level of students.
Burke, James.
. Little Brown and Company. Boston, Mass. 1978. Here is a book for the more mature reader. The books theme is that great events are not random but depend on interconnected events. This is a great book which can be read in sections.
Crouch, Tom.
The Bishops Boys
. W.W. Norton & Co. New York, 1989 If you want many hours of pleasurable and fascinating reading about the Wright Brothers their family, work, dreams, it is all here in readable form.
Dalton, Stephen.
The Miracle Of Flight
. McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York. 1977. A wonderful book which studies, through photos, the flight of insects and birds and then ties them into aircraft. An informative book.
Dwiggins, Don.
Riders Of The Winds
. Hawthorn Books Inc.. New York, 1973. An easy to read book on ballooning.
Gillispie, Charles.
The Montgolfier Brothers And The Invention Of Aviation
. Princeton University Press, New Jersey. 1983. A well documented and interesting book on the earliest days of ballooning.
Kline, Richard.
The Ultimate Paper Airplane
. Fireside Book. Simon & Schuster, Inc.. New York. 1985.
Macualay, David.
The Way Things Work
. Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, Massachusetts. 1988.
No school library should be without this text. The outside cover reads “A visual guide to the world of machines”, and that it is. You have to see this book to understand what a pleasure it is to read it. It would be impossible not to learn from this book.
Mander, Jerry.,Dipple, George, Gossage, Howard.
The Great International Paper Airplane Book
. Fireside Book. Simon & Schuster, Ind., New York 1967.
Niomiya, Yasuaki.
. A.G. Industries Inc., Yodogawa-Ku, Osaka, Japan. 1986.
Smith, A.G.
History Of Flight Coloring Book
. Dover Publications, Inc. New York, 1986.
Looking for good clear sketches of space machines? Look no further. A coloring book, suitable for the classroom bulletin boards and reports.
Vogt, Michael.
The Paper Air Force
. Contemporary Books. Chicago, Illinois. 1989.
Ward, Alan.
Flight and Floating
. .Osborne Publishing Ltd., London, England. 1981.
A wonderful little pocket book of information which tells us that it contains “save experiments to do at home”. I would add that this would be great for the non-motivated student, who has a short attention span. Very nice activities for all.
Weiss, Harvy.
Sailing Small Ships
Young Scott Books, New York, 1967.
Here is another nice book from the children’s section of the library. It contains a very nice section on buoyancy, and how weight and volume have to be considered. This is an informative and interesting book.
Wegener, Peter.
What Makes Airplanes Fly?
Springer Verlag, New York, Inc., (in press) 1990.
If you are looking for one text which contains the a great deal of information on flight, here it is (for the serious student and teacher).