Topic: Introduction to Graph Theory.
Objectives: Students will be able
a) to define a graph, and a null graph.
b) to differentiate between graphs, null graphs and drawings that not graphs.
c) to identify the parts of a graph.
d) to identify a digraph.
e) to use a graph to represent a problem.
a) Plot points
b) Draw straight lines.
Skills and concepts presented:
a) Plotting and joining points
b) organizing information.
1. Develop a dialogue that would show the students the importance that drawing a diagram (in this case graphs) in solving problems.
2. Point out that graphs are considered as models and therefore can be used to represent a situation.
3. Introduce the airline problem from the content.
4. Introduce and explain each step:
i) how to organize the information in a table.
ii) introduce vertex or nodes and edges.
iii) give examples of null graphs, graphs, and drawings that are not graphs
5. Formally define graphs and digraphs.
6. Present drill and practice for students to use the information discussed.
Possible Problems for discussion:
1. In the following sketches identify the vertices and the edges.
(figure available in print form)
2. Identify each of the following as graphs or not a graph.
(figure available in print form)
3. a) Draw a complete graph with six vertices.
b) How many edges are there?
4. Draw a null graph with eight vertices.
5. Draw a graph to show the friendship relation among four individuals.
Extension Activities:
1. Have students suggest possible problems from which they can produce a graph.
2. Have students draw a digraph of friendship relation in the classroom.
3. The following are dependent statements (implications exist between them):
a) The Wright brothers first flight.
b) Better aircrafts invented.
c) More jobs provided.
d) Standard of living improved.
e) More people take trips on airplanes.
Draw a digraph to show the relationship between the statements.