Bierhorst, John.
In The Trail Of The Wind
. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1972. (An anthology of Native American poetry, translated from over forty languages.)
Bouton, Josephine.
Favorite Poems For The Children’s Hour
. New York: Platt and Munk, 1967. (A collection of beautiful poetry for elementary school children. Poems are arranged according to subjects that reflect childhood experiences: seasons, home, city, country, etc. Some of the selected poets are as following: T. S. Eliot, Lewis Caroll, George Cooper, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Christina Rossetti, Robert Louis Stevenson, Alfred Lord Tennyson, William Shakespeare, etc.)
Bryan, Ashley.
I’m Going To Sing: Black American
. New York: Dix Type, Inc., 1982. (Ashley presents a collection of Black American spirituals which are rooted deep in the past experiences of slavery, rhythms of Black Africa and a combination of western culture and music.)
Cruz, Victor Hernandez.
. New York: Random House, Inc., 1973. (A book of poetry about city life mostly on the adult level. “Coka-Moon (21st Floor Water Street)” would appeal to children because of its vivid description of a typical city scene.)
Cruz, Victor Hernandez.
Tropicalization: (Poems)
. New York: Reed, Cannon and Johnson Communications Co., 1976. (Cruz presents a beautiful book of poetry about familiar sights and sounds from New York City. Although most poems are written for older children and adults, there are a few poems that may appeal to young children. One such poem is “Side 7” which describes a bright red car with tiger stripes painted on its sides. In the rear window, a dog sits on a yellow shag rug with his head bopping.)
Harrison, Michael and Stuart-Clark, Christopher.
Oxford Book Of Christmas Poems
. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1984. ( A delightful book of poetry for both children and adults. Children will enjoy having the poetry read to them. Most poems are too difficult for the lower primary grades.)
Hughes, Langston.
Selected poems
. New York: Random House, Inc., 1959. (Hughes presents a collection of poetry for both the adult world and elementary school children.)
Koch, Kenneth.
Wishes, Lies, and Dreams: Teaching Children
To Write Poetry
. New York: Harper and Row, 1970. (Kenneth Koch describes his methods for teaching Manhattan elementary school children to write poetry. He gives many examples of student’s work that are appropriate for various age levels.)
Koch, Kenneth.
Rose, Where Did You Get That Red?
New York: Random House, Inc., 1973. (Kenneth Koch gives examples of poetry by authors such as Blake, Donne, Stevens and others. Koch gives these examples as models and explains to teachers how to help children write their own poetry.)
Larrick, Nancy.
Piping Down The Valleys Wild
. New York: The Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, Inc., 1968. (A beautiful collection of poetry by poets such as: Gelett Burgess, Robert Frost, Rachel Field, e.e. cummings, T. S. Eliot, Edward Lear, etc.)
Lincoln, Kenneth.
Native American Renaissance
. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1983. (A book about Native American literature, folklore, history, religion, poetry, etc. Lincoln gives insights into these materials, approaching them in their cultural diversities. Although most of the material is written from an adult perspective, some of Simon Ortiz’s poetry would be appealing to children.)
Livingston, Myra Cohn.
Thanksgiving Poems
. New York: Holiday House, 1985. (The book captures the religious as well as the secular aspects of Thanksgiving. Each poem is beautifully illustrated.)
Merriam, Eve.
A Sky Full Of Poems
. New York: The Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, Inc., 1986. (A book of poetry for children of all ages. Children will love the repetition of words and repeat of a beat.)
Petersham, Maud and Miska.
The Rooster Crows
. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1973. (A collection of rhymes and jingles familiar to the young and old alike.)
Rose, Wendy.
Lost Copper: Poems
. Banning: Malki Museum Press, 1980. (A beautiful collection of Native American poetry written by Wendy Rose.)
Ross, David.
The Illustrated Treasury Of Poetry For
. New York: Grosset and Dunlap, 1976. ( An anthology of poetry, songs and limericks for both primary and upper elementary grades. Some of the poets found in the anthology are as following: William Blake, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Langston Hughes, William Shakespeare, Robert Louis Stevenson, Alfred Lord Tennyson, etc.)
Saunders, Dennis.
Magic Lights and Streets
. New York: Greenwillow Books, 1974. (A book of poetry illustrated by beautiful photography. Most topics pertain to nature, animals and seasons.)
Schenk de Regniers, Beatrice, et al.
Sing A Song Of
. New York: Scholastic, Inc., 1988. (A beautiful collection of children’s poetry by author’s such as: Marie Louise Allen, Marchette Chute, Langston Hughes, Natalie Joan, Edward Lear, Ogden Nash, Christina G. Rossetti, Robert Louis Stevenson, etc.)
Slier, Deborah.
Make A Joyful Sound
. New York: Checkerboard Press, Inc., 1991. (A beautiful collection of poetry and colorful illustrations by well-known African American poets such as: Gwendolyn Brooks, Countee Cullen, Karama Fufuka, Nikki Giovanni, Eloise Greenfield, Langston Hughes, Sonia Sanchez, etc.)