Grayce P. Storey
One of the most devious changes in adolescents is that of sexuality. As adolescents grow, their interests and thoughts in sex increase. Sexual feelings increase and so do physical sexual responses. Psychosocial development helps the adolescent to see the possibilities of sexual relationships.
Sexuality development is unique and everyone develops at their own pace. While some adolescents take an interest in sex at an early age, others start much later. With of some early interests, adolescents are considered at risk of becoming involved in situations they may not be ready to handle.
Sexuality is essential to adolescent development. It is also important that adolescents adjust to their individual emerging sexuality. Open decisions between adolescents and parents on the general issue of sexuality will assist the adolescent in making life decisions. These decisions may include what the adolescent wants to do in terms of sexual activity and feelings about personal sexual development. Sexuality development in the adolescent can be very frightening for the parents. It appears to be tangible evidence that the parent is losing the child. The parent becomes overwhelmed by the thought of what lies ahead for the child. The risks of sexual relations, moral issues, and premarital sexual activity are predominant in their worries. The parents and adolescent benefit when they discuss feelings and related concerns of sexual activity together.
When the adolescent thinks of sexual activity, they feel guilty. These feelings may arise from blatant warnings about sexual feelings and activities, from authority figures. Once adolescents become more comfortable with their sexuality, the guilt feelings usually subside. At times some feelings run deep which indicates that professional assistance is needed. As the adolescent becomes more aware of their feelings, they have sexual daydreams or fantasies. The fantasies assist them in seeing themselves as a sexual person, and therefore helps them to adapt to the role.
As the young person struggles with identity, homosexual feelings are common. Discovering sex with a close friend of the same sex is not unusual as the adolescent tries to find himself in conjunction with more strong sexual feelings. These feelings usually pass as the adolescent becomes more comfortable with his sexuality, or they may develop toward definite homosexuality. Today’s society is biased toward heterosexuality. Homosexual feeling in the adolescent can bring about feelings of distress and support may be needed to understand these feelings and how to cope with them.