Lesson Plan Four
Upon completion of this lesson students will be able to:
1. Gain perspective on how the Aztecs felt about the Spanish invaders and what motivated the conquistadors to come to the New World through role-play.
2. Create dialogue through impromptu situations.
Various art materials to make simple costumes and props.
1. The teacher will divide students into small groups. Each group will be given a situation card on which will be written the characters and situation they are to act out in an impromptu way. They will be given a designated amount of time to plan and rehearse their situation and to make simple costumes and props. They will then perform their role-play situation in front of the larger group.
2. Such situations as the following could be used:
A) You are fellow conquistadors traveling on the ship now nearing the shores of Mexico. What are you talking about? What are you hoping to find?
B) You are fellow conquistadors who have just entered the capital city of Tenochtitlan. What do you see? How do you feel about it all? What do you talk about?
C) You are Aztecs witnessing the landing of these strangers on your shores. They wear strange clothes, carry strange weapons, and have animals you’ve never seen before with them. How do you feel? What do you talk about?
D) You are Montezuma and Cortés has just entered the gates of the capital city. What do you say to one another (through your interpreters)?