Adler, David A.
A Picture Book of Christopher Columbus
. New York: Holiday House, 1991. [Gives a very simplified but accurate account of the life and accomplishments of Columbus. Wonderful illustrations. Suitable for primary level students.]
Berdan, Frances F.
The Aztecs
. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1989. [Presents an unbiased, accurate and well-written description of the Aztecs from their origin to their demise as an empire. Very comprehensive. Includes many illustrations from various bodices. An excellent resource book. Suitable for intermediate-level students.]
Bleeker, Sonia.
The Aztec Indians of Mexico
. New York: William Morrow & Co., 1963. [Provides an in-depth look at the Aztecs: their religion, customs and traditions, class system, many accomplishments and their defeat by the Spaniards. It concludes with a look at the Aztecs today. Suitable for intermediate-level students.]
Bray, Warwick.
Everyday Life of the Aztecs
. New York: Dorset Press, 1968. [Reconstructs the life of the Aztecs on the eve of the conquest (covering such aspects as family and religious life, city country life, war rituals, etc.) creating a sympathetic portrait of the Aztecs and their civilization. Very comprehensive. An excellent resource book. Suitable for intermediate-level students.]
Dodge, Stephen C.
Christopher Columbus and the First Voyages to the New World
. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1991. [Presents an in-depth account of the life and times of Columbus focusing in later chapters on his first voyage. Very informative with wonderful illustrations. An excellent resource book. Suitable for intermediate level students.]
Epstein, Sam and Beryl.
New York: Franklin Watts, Inc., 1967. [Includes simplified but accurate and informative chapters on pre-Aztec and Aztec civilizations as well as on the conquest. Provides in its accounts information of particular interest to young readers (i.e., daily activities of an Aztec farmer, cocoa was a favorite drink of the Aztecs). Suitable for intermediate-level students.]
Fawcetts Raymond, ed.
How Did They Live? Mexico
. London: P.R. Gawthorn Limited, 1958. [Author writes in the first person as a fictional member of a group visiting Tenochtitlan for a few days. Vivid descriptions are given of various aspects of everyday life of the Aztecs before the conquest. Includes numerous photos of early art and architecture of the period. Suitable for intermediate-level students.]
Fisher, Leonard E.
Pyramid of the Sun Pyramid of the Moon
. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., 19B8. [Recreates through the famous Pyramids of the Sun and Moon of Teotihuacan the world of the Toltecs and Aztecs. Beautifully written with superb illustrations. Suitable for primary-level students. ]
Grant, Matthew G.
Columbus: Discoverer of the New World
. Chicago: Creative Education, 1974. [Provides a simplified but accurate account of the life and voyages of Columbus. Suitable for primary-level students.]
Haller, Adolf.
He Served Two Masters: The Story of the Conquest of Mexico
. New York: Random House, Inc., 196Z. [The story of the conquest is told through the eyes of a page, Ortequilla. Making effective use of historical documentation, this tale provides very interesting reading. Suitable for intermediate-level students.]
Herzog, B.G., ed. (An abridgment of Bernal Diaz del Castillo’s)
Cortex & the Conquest of Mexico
by the Spaniards in 1521. Hamden, CT: Linnett Books, l988. [Provides an edited and abridged version of Bernal Diaz del Castillo’s narrative on the conquest of Mexico. An excellent resource book. Suitable for intermediate-level students.]
Jacobs, W.J.
Hernando Cortés
. New York: Franklin Watts, Inc. 1974. [Through picture and text the author tells the story of Cortés from his birth to his death. The conquest is described in great detail. Equitable for intermediate-level students. ]
Kresky, Stephen.
Who Really Discovered America?
New York: Scholastic Inc., 1987. [Posits and elaborates on the notion that America probably had many discoverers. Very interesting reading. Suitable for intermediate-level students. ]
Meredith, Robert & Smith, E. Brooks, eds. (adaptation)
The Quest of Columbus
. Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1966. [An edited and adapted version of the history, life and actions of Admiral Christopher Colon written by his son. A good resource book. Suitable for intermediate-level students. ]
Morgan, Lee.
Christopher Columbus: What Made Them Great
. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Silver Burdett Press, 1990. [A well-written account of the life and voyages of Columbus. Very interesting reading. Suitable for intermediate-level students. ]
McKissack, Patricia.
Aztec Indians
. Chicago: Childrens Press, 1985. [A very simplified but accurate description of the history and culture of the Aztecs. Includes a number of Diego Rivera’s paintings. Suitable for primary-level students. ]
Steel, Anne.
How They Lived: An Aztec Warrior
. Vero Beach, Florida: Rourke Enterprises, Inc., 1988. [Not only covers subjects especially related to Aztec warriors (i.e., weapons, battle costume and tactics) but also includes sections on Aztec gods, their class system, home, food, jewelry, and pastimes of the Aztecs, etc.) Wonderful illustrations. An excellent resource book. Suitable for intermediate-level students.]
Stein, R. Conrad.
The World’s Great Explorers: Hernando Cortés
. Chicago: Children’s Press, 1991. [Presents a very well-written and well-documented account of the life and times of Cortés. The conquest of Mexico and its aftermath is described in great detail. Superb illustrations. An excellent resource book. Suitable for intermediate-level students.]
Unstead, R.J., ed.
An Aztec Town
. New York: Warwick Press, 1980. [Provides an accurate portrait of the Aztecs by examining various aspects of their civilization: their gods, temple rituals, religious ceremonies, schools markets, farming methods, law practices, war rituals and picture writing. An excellent resource. Suitable for intermediate level students. ]
Ventura, Piero.
Christopher Columbus
. New York: Random House, i978. [Focuses on the first voyage of Columbus. Through text and illustration detailed descriptions are made of such aspects as stocking a ship for a voyage, the crew make-up, life on board ship, the ‘discovery’ of the Arawaks, new plants found in the New World, etc. Illustrations are superb. Suitable for primary-level students.]
Waldman, Guido, ed. (adaptation)
The Voyages of Christopher Columbus
. New York: Golden Press, 1964. [A well-written account of the life and times of Columbus and his four voyages. Suitable for intermediate-level students.]