OBJECTIVES The student will:
(1) List the five steps of the scientific method.
(2) Perform an experiment incorporating each of the steps of the scientific method.
(3) Write a scientific report of the following experiment.
(4) Use a thermometer to record temperature.
In order for the student to fully understand how to use the scientific method when writing reports, I feel that they should be walked through an experiment to be performed during class. Therefore, the class will test how temperature affects the respiration rate of fish. If the reader follows the procedure listed below, this simple lesson should get your students excited and should set the pace for the remainder of this unit. Fish can be brought from any pet store at a relatively inexpensive price. Glass jars can be used for this experiment, and the children can take the fish home at the end of the experiment.
As the temperature of the water increases, so will the respiration rate of the fish. The respiration rate is check by counting the movement of the fish’s gills for a certain amount of time (one minute intervals).
(1) Have the students list the steps of the scientific method orally as you write them on the board in the following format:
Title for the experiment
I. Introduction
II. Hypothesis
III. Procedure
(A) Materials Used:
(B) Procedure
IV. Observations
V. Conclusion
(2) Tell the students that they will perform an experiment to see if temperature affects the respiration rate of fish. Then ask the students for a possible title for the experiment. Write the best response on the board.
(3) Moving to the actual first step, give the students a library assignment, or duplicate the information for the children to speed up the process, and have the children read about how temperature affects the fish respiration rate. Then have them write a paragraph about fish and respiration rate. Explain to them that this is how the introductory part of any experiment is done.
(4) Have the students give you several hypothesis about the outcome of the experiment, and list them on the board.
(5) Explain to the students that the next step of the scientific method called the procedure requires them to list the materials used and the steps that they followed to complete the experiment.
(6) Since you have already explained the experiment to the students, place the letter “A” just like above on the board and write materials used. Have the students list all the materials they would need to use in order to successfully complete the experiment. Then have them list the procedures that they would follow in order to test their hypothesis. NOTE: let the students suggest ways to heat the water without harming the fish. Then have them to suggest ways to cool the water. The best possible solution is to place the individual jars with fish in them in the window to capture sunlight in order to warm the water, and to place ice cubes in the water order to cool the water.
(7) Inform the students that they are moving to the next step of the scientific method which requires them to record their observations. Then have them make a chart labeled temperature in one column, respiration rate in the next column, and behavior in the next. (Let the student know that it is best to use a chart or graph to record their observation whenever possible.) The chart should be as follows:
(8) As the students record the temperature and respiration rate on the chart, instruct them to record how the fish reacts to its environment as the temperature becomes colder.
(9) Have the student record about five to ten different temperatures. Allow the water to fall between three to five degrees between each reading.
(10) After the students complete the experiment, allow them to make several conclusions orally. Then let them know that they have just completed a scientific experiment.
(11) Instruct the students to write up a final draft of the experiment using the format in step one of the above for homework.
(12) You can also instruct the students to make an attractive title page for their experiment, which most students take pride in doing. Display the better experimental reports on a bulletin board.
EVALUATION The students final written report should be used as a evaluative tool. If the students placed the correct information in each section, you should conclude that they have a good understanding of the scientific method. NOTE: some students may have problems reaching an adequate conclusion. If so you may want to make up some charts or tables, and have students interpret the information being presented.