Topic: What is Ecology?
Introductory Statement:
Student will discover some of the ideas and concepts that make up the topic of Ecology
Copies of sections of this paper or Copies of any other relevant writings, journal articles that concerns ecology (global warming, pollution).
Key Questions:
1. How does human behavior affect the environment?
2. How does a system replenish itself? What can people do to aid this process?
Background Information
1. Discussion on the temperatures of the past winter, the summer rainfall.
2. Discussion on the recent Environmental Conference in Brazil.
3. Discussion of news items that talked about the rate of global warming.
4. Introduction of the topic of Ecology or Environmental Studies and what it teaches.
Management Suggestions:
I. Divide the class into small groups of 4-5 students. This is the home group.
II. Students with the same number will form a different group. This will be called the expert group.
III. Each expert group will be given a different section of the article (e.g. what is ecology, food web, etc. The article will be broken down in various sections) The expert groups will be required to read and discuss their section, then return and teach this section to their home group).
IV. Select articles that are long enough with sufficient ideas, that will keep the class involved for at least half the period.
V. The expert group could meet for an entire period if the time is required.
1. While the expert group reads and discusses, the teacher’s responsibility is to maintain each group on task.
2. Have students return to their home group and each expert will in turn inform the entire group of the information gathered from their reading.
3. Design simple test questions, or discussion on each of the various topics.
Discussion questions. (Research Questions)
1. What are the areas that are covered by Ecology?
2. What is an EcoSystem?
3. Discuss the role of each group of living things.
Extended Activities
1. Discuss the evidences that have shown that the Earth’s climate has changed through natural procedures in the past?
2. Brainstorm, Evidences that probably, the earth’s climate in your region has changed over the past years.
3. What is Global Warming; What effect will it have on our climate?
4. Why is it possible to compare the Earth’s atmosphere with that of a greenhouse?
5. How can this information affect or change the way I think and live with respect to the earth’s atmosphere. What changes can I make:
(a) at school?
(b) at home?
(c) In any other aspect of life?
Curriculum Coordinates
Language Arts:
Write a story about any ecological system (a pond, a fish tank, a flower garden, a grassland region)
Draw a picture to show succession in any ecological area of your choice.