Gathering data on soils
Topic: Rate of water penetration in soils.
Introductory Statement
Some soils are better for use in a window planter than others. The rate in which water will soak various types of soils is one criterion for soil selection.
Math Skills:
1. Computation.
2. Data Gathering.
3. Graphing.
4. Rank ordering.
5. Drawing conclusions.
1. Different types of soils (sand, clay, loam).
2. Coffee cans with tops removed and small holes in the bottom (for drainage).
3. Containers with water and flat container to collect drainoff.
4. Measuring up (Metric containers).
Management Suggestions:
1. Groups of 4 or 5 students (small group).
2. Distribute soil samples to each group. (Select soil samples that vary in compaction).
3. Use dry soil samples.
1. Discuss the importance that water plays in plant growth including the dangers of too much water.
2. Discuss the soil composition and its impact on the rate at which water will drain through.
3. Distribute the materials to each group.
4. The coffee cans with the different types of soils will be labeled. Each group will pour 100 milliliters of water in each soil type. The runoff will be collected and measured and the efficiency of each soil type compared. They can also make a measurement of how quickly the water drains through the soils types. Student will collect and analyze the date they collected.
Discussion Questions:
1. What soil type will be the best for the plants? Why?
2. What would happen to plant growth if the sand, loam, clay is used?
3. What soil type will provide more uptake of water for the plants?
Extended Activities
1. More work on soil types and soil formation.
2. The importance of root uptake osmosis.
This lesson could be used:
1. To teach liquid measurement changing measurement units.
2. As an introduction to ratio and proportion.