Topic: Interpreting numbers written in Scientific notation in the literature.
Introductory Statement
Students will be able to observe the application of scientific notation.
Math Skills
Interpreting Scientific notation; Writing numbers expressed scientific notation on standard form.
The present atmosphere total of 720 x 10
gt (342 ppm) of elemental carbon represents a significant increase from about 590 x 10
gt, largely due to the accelerated burning of fossil fuels for energy.
Background Information:
Measurements of atmospheric CO2 levels are taken at the observatory at Mauna Lou, and other locations on the globe. The figures obtained indicate that CO2 emissions in the atmosphere has increased steadily over the years. Scientific notation, the method of writing very large numbers more compact has been used to record these readings.
1. Review the place value chart. Provide examples so that students can identify the value of each digit in the given number.
2. Review Scientific notation (numbers can be expressed in the form a x 10
3. Give examples of changing from standard form to scientific notation and from scientific notation to standard form.
4. Provide the reading for small group discussion.
5. Provide follow up questions based on the reading that will require the manipulation of scientific notation.
6. Return to the large group and let the representatives of each group discuss their reports with the class.
Discussion Questions
(a) What is the amount of increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?
(b) Discuss the reason given for these increases.
(c) How can your daily activities help to lower the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?
(d) Make a list of suggestions for changes:
i. You can make.
ii. Governments can make.
iii. Your community can make.
Curriculum Coordinates:
Language Arts:
Write letters to public officials with voicing concerns about the rate of CO2 emissions.
Locate the place of observation for measuring CO2. Research the regions of the globe where increases in CO2 are more apparent.
Locate the large mining centers of the world: areas that have an abundance of limestone rocks.
Mathematics and the Window Garden:
These next few units will consist of a series of mini-lessons that are designed for lower grades and middle school.