Topic Area: Reading, constructing and interpreting graphs.
Introductory Statement
Students will be able to read and interpret graphs will be able to assimilate the information that is displayed.
Math Skill:
1. Using data
2. Computation
3. Graphing
4. Using scales
Deforestation is rapidly progressing in the Amazonian Areas of active development such as in Rondonian and Brazilia. Western Amazonia is associated with the highest deforestation rates. Other Amazonian countries, such as Peru, Colombia, Venezuela and Bolivia also have high rates of deforestation. It is expected that future deforestation rates will be higher because of development policies of the Amazonian countries. If deforestation were to continue at this rate, most of the Amazonian tropical forests would disappear in less than 100 years. One question that arises is whether the large scale of deforestation in Amazonian might affect the regional climate with consequent implications for the biota in the region.
(from: Amazonian Deforestation & Regional Climate Change. Journal of Climate Oct. 1991.)
1. Copy of reading material
2. Picture of the region for discussion
3. Data with record of rainfall
4. Graph paper, ruler
Key Questions:
1. How does deforestation in a region affect the climate?
2. Does deforestation impact the build up of CO2 in the atmosphere?
Math skill: Drawing a graph
Background Information:
Evidence has shown that continued deforestation in the rain forest region has contributed to the global warming. Forests have been cleared for economic reasons by the countries involved (ex. for agriculture, cattle rearing). This has caused many changes in the lives of the original inhabitants of the region.
Management Suggestions:
1. Divide class into small groups (4-5 students).
2. Provide each group with a copy of the reading.
3. Provide various (different) questions for each group to answer (a small write up to be presented by each group).
4. Select pictures, graphs and data on the rainfall of the region.
5. This lesson may be taught over two class periods.
1. Divide the class into groups and distribute material.
2. Review the effects of deforestation and meaning of deforestation from previous reading.
3. Have groups read and discuss the material.
4. Re-assemble the class and discuss each group’s responses. List main ideas on chalkboard. (Have an individual from the group make the presentation).
5. Present pictures of past and present forests, (before and after deforestation). Discuss.
6. Provide the data on rainfall of a region for the past year (any available rainfall data or graph will do). Discuss the graphs.
7. Give students data for rainfall and have them construct the graph.
8. Draw conclusions based on the data.
Discussion Questions:
1. Is there evidence that the forests will re-establish themselves? (consider climate change and rainfall levels.)
2. Discuss the arguments pro and con of deforestation.
3. How will deforestation in the Amazon region affect the temperatures and climate of your region.
Curriculum Coordinates:
Locate the Amazonian countries on a map. Discuss the main products, for export of these countries.
Current Events:
What were the outcomes of the last Environmental Conference.
Keep record of temperature changes and graph the result.