Bowyer, Carol. “The Children’s Book of Houses and Homes.” London: Usborne Publications, 1978. A look at houses through the ages in North and South America.
Carter, Polly. “The Bridge Book.” New York: Simon & Schuster, 1992. A natural for block building, what kid doesn’t want to build one?
D’Alelio, Jane. Discovering Architecture with Activities and Games “I Know That Building!” Washington, D.C.: The Preservation Press, 1989. The author has designed activities for the National Geographic’s World magazine. Great variety of ways to explore the subject.
Eisen, David. “Fun with Architecture.” New York: Viking Penguin Books, 1992. A kit which includes a book, stamp pad and stamps in the shapes of 7 basic architectural elements (walls, windows, roofs, domes, arches, arcades and colonnades).
Kellogg, Rhoda. “Analyzing Children’s Art.” Palo Alto: Mayfield Publishing Company, 1969. The best book ever about kids and art.
MacAulay, David. “Cathedral The Story of It’s Construction.” Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1973. The author won a medal from the AIA for illustrations and for recording architectural accomplishments. Titles in the series include: “City,” “Mill,” “Pyramid,” “Unbuilding,” and “Castle” (Caldecott winner).
Wilkerson, Philip. “Amazing Buildings.” New York: Dorling Kindersley, Inc., 1993. Introduction to the fascinating world of architecture. A celebration of some of the world’s most amazing buildings.
“The Visual Dictionary of Buildings.” Eyewitness Visual Dictionaries. New York: Dorling Kindersley, Inc., 1992. One of a series, this book includes illustrations of buildings from throughout the world and time beginning in Ancient Greece and Rome to the present.