Henry A. Rhodes
Pre-lesson activity:
Students will canvas a neighborhood looking for graffiti tag names or murals. Students should do this in small groups due to the fact that some neighborhoods that our students live in can be quite dangerous.
**This lesson will occur after we have covered the section in my unit dealing with the graffiti aspect of the ‘Hip Hop’ culture.
Students will create either a graffiti tag name or a graffiti mural on piece of construction paper.
Construction paper, magic markers
After canvassing the neighborhood looking at graffiti tag names and murals, the class will discuss what they have observed. Afterwhich, each student will create their own graffiti tag name. Then students will have an opportunity to explain their tag name to the class. Then students will be shown graffiti murals of some renowned graffiti artists such as Lee Quinones and Keith Haring.
Students will be asked to create a graffiti mural of their own and be prepared to explain it to the class the next day.