Al-Mansour, Khalid Abdullah Tariq, Dr.
Betrayal By Any Other Name
. San Francisco: The First African Arabian Press, 1993. The author offers an account of 300 years of organized efforts by African and Hispanic leadership. This a different slant on U.S. history as we’ve come to know it.
Berlin, Ira.
Slaves Without Masters
. New York: Oxford University Press, Berlin offers a chilling examination of how free blacks feared in the Antebellum South prior to the Civil War. The book weaves an analysis of the desperate measures of control over free men that grew out of the fears of Southern whites.
Carson, Clayborne,et al.
The Eyes On The Prize: Civil Rights Reader
. New York: Penguin Books, 1991. Here is a quick reference for documents, speeches and personal accounts of the African American’s struggle for freedom from 1954-1990.
Commager, Henry Steele.
Living Ideas in America
. New York: Harper & Row, 1964. The author organizes the book around the idea of a people and their country. The newest edition carries an additional segment on the struggle for racial equality.
Hughes, Langston et al.
A Pictorial History of Black Americana
. New York: Crown Publishers Inc. 1983. Here is documentation of the political changes in black American life during the Nixon to Reagan years.
Interact. Lakeside: Interact company, 1971. This is a simulation
which explores the struggle for racial equality in a typical American city.
Killeen, Denis.
United States Supreme Court Cases
. West Hartford: Hartfordshire Press Ltd. 19B7. The author offers this book as an introduction to constitutional law. It is a summary of selected Supreme Court cases.
Lerner, Max.
America As A Civilization
. New York: Henry Holt and Company. 1987 This book may best be described as a view of America as it struggles to become a civilization. It’s a chronicle of the American social, economic and political experience from its early heritage through its present.
Ringer, Benjamin & Lawless, Elinor. Race,
Ethnicity and Society
. New York: Routledge, Chapman and Hall Inc., 1989. This book provides insight into America’s historic relations with its racial minorities. Most compelling is its insight on the American duality thesis.
Steidl, Kim Sakamoto.
Portraits of Asian-Pacific Americans
. Carthage: Good Apple, 1991. This is a good source book for children when exploring the achievements of Asian-Pacific Americans.
Takaki, Ronald.
A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America
. Boston: Little, Brown and Company,1993. This is history from the eyes of America’s minority cultures. The book covers the period from colonization of America to its 1992 Los Angeles riots. It’s a book about all of us, ethnic-Americans.