Baxter, L.
Let’s Draw! Action and Animation
. Nashville: Ideals Children’s Books, 1989.
One in a series of books which teaches children how to compose and construct pictures and how to create space and movement. The book is easy to read, and should be used as a workbook, if possible, as students are provided with space to draw their own pictures.
Berger, M.
Life in the Rain Forest
. New York. Newbridge Communications, 1993.
A Big Book, part of the Ranger Rick series, provides glorious photographs of the flora, fauna, and people of the rain forest.
Catchpole, C.
The Living World: Jungle
. New York. E.P. Dutton, 1983.
Text, illustrations, and photographs present the many beautiful and unusual forms of life that thrive in the jungle.
Dixon, D.
A Closer look at Jungles
. New York: Gloucester, 1984.
Text and illustrations about the structure, people, animals, and plants of the jungle.
Kamen, G.
Kipling: Storyteller of East and West
. New York: Atheneum, 1985.
A brief biography of the teller of tales about East and West, from his early years in India and schooling in England to his later success as reporter, poet, and short story writer.
Kaur, S.
Food in India
. Vero Beach, FL: Rourke Publications, 1989.
Surveys food products, customs, and preparation in India, describing regional dishes, cooking techniques, and recipes for a variety of meals.
Kipling, R.
The Jungle Book
. New York. Grosset & Dunlap, 1950. A classic.
Lepthein, E. U.
Tropical Rain Forests
. Chicago: Children’s Press, 1993.
Describes the structure of a rain forest, typical plant and. animal life, climate, and the need for conservation.
Sarin, A.V.
India: An Ancient Land
, A New Nation. Minneapolis: Dillon, 1985.
Discusses the people, history, myths and legends, worship and celebrations, family life and food, school life, and sports of one of the world’s most populous and diverse countries.
Schwartz, P.
How to Make Your Own Video
. Minneapolis: Lerner Publications, 1991.
Covers all the technical basics of making a video using a camcorder, and focuses especially on elements of production, direction, and creative uses of subjects and scripts, including the storyboard.
Schwartz, P.
Making Movies
. Minneapolis: Lerner Publications, 1989.
Describes what happens during the production of a motion picture, and the jobs undertaken by all the people who are involved.
Srinivasan, R.
Cultures of the World: India
. New York. Marshall Cavendish, 1992.
Introduces the geography, history, religious beliefs, government, and people of India. Provides excellent photographs and maps.