Carolyn C. Smith
What do I do about children Rejecting Others?
It’s hard for children to understand why some children get angry or start fighting. They can’t comprehend the frustration of a child who cannot communicate his feelings or needs, nor the confusion and fear of a child who appears to be completely different from others in the class.
What to do?
1. Have a group discussion about why people are different. (Talk about size, color, hair, eyes, height, etc.)
2. Discuss the word friends, honesty, respect, different, alike.
3. Put students in small groups for various activities in the class and rotatethem about every 3 to 4 days for the purpose of encouraging students to work together on projects to get to know one another.
NOTE: Use the book, Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters to discuss how people are different even within the same family.
Related Activities:
1. Create a family portrait bulletin board for the purpose of noting likes and differences in people. Change pictures every two weeks.
2. Invite members of the community to talk about to the students about friendship and honesty.
3. Play the decision dial game in small group settings.