OBJECTIVE: To define “Multiculturalism”
MATERIALS: Chalk, chalkboard, dictionary (optional)
1. Teacher will write the word “Multiculturalism” on the board.
2. Teacher will ask the students to define the word “Multiculturalism”.
3. Teacher will facilitate discussion of the meanings of words the students might know (ie. “multi” means many; “culture” means group, “ism” is action . . . ). Teacher will encourage brainstorming.
4. Teacher will write student responses on the board under the word “Multiculturalism” as the students offer definitions.
5. Teacher will suggest that “Multiculturalism” refers to diversity and differences.
6. Teacher will generate more discussion about why we would even want to talk about differences or different people.
7. Teacher will list the differences that students can identify.
(Examples might include gender, age, disabilities . . . )