OBJECTIVES: To identify differences and similarities among people; To discuss perceptions which people have about others
MATERIALS: Chalk, chalkboard (if done as a group orally)
Pen or pencil, lined paper (if done at desk as independent work)
1. Teacher will ask students to tell/list how people are different. (Differences might include but are not limited to age, gender, sexual orientation, religious background, economic status . . . )
2. Teacher will ask for oral responses telling how all of the “different” people are similar. (For example, all eat, sleep, need air to breathe)
3. Teacher will facilitate discussion to identify our perceptions of various groups of people. Here are some sample questions that can be used:
a. How are older people treated differently than young people? Which of these actions are justifiable given the person’s age? Which of these actions are not justifiable because of a person’s age?
b. How would you feel about dating a blind person?
c. Can you tell who is homosexual and who is not?
d. Who worships the “right” God: Jews or Muslims or Christians?
e. If a mayor is elected, does it have to be a man? Why or why not?