Asimov, Isaac.
The Birth and Death of Stars
. Milwaukee: Gareth Stevens Publishing, 1989.
How We Found out About the Earth Being Round
. Burnt Mill, UK: Longman House, 1983.
Mars Our Mysterious Neighbor
. Milwaukee: Gareth Stevens Publishing, 1988.
Mercury: The Quick Planet
. Milwaukee: Gareth Stevens Publishing, 1989.
Our Solar System
. Milwaukee: Gareth Stevens Publishing, 1988.
Our Milky Way and our Galaxies
. Milwaukee: Gareth Stevens Publishing, 1988
Pluto: a Double Planet?
Milwaukee: Gareth Stevens Publishing, 1990.
Briggs, Carole S.
Women in Space: Reaching the Last Frontier
. Minneapolis: Lerner Publishing Company, 1988.
Fowler, Allan.
Los planetas del Sol
. Chicago: Children’s Press press, 1993.
Herbst, Judith.
The Golden Book of Stars and Planets
. Racine, Wisconsin: Western Publishing Company, Inc., 1988.
Lewellen, John.
Asi es mi mundo: La Luna el Sol y las Estrellas
. Chicago: Childrens Press, 1984.
Mitton, Jacqueline.
Discover the Planets
. Troll Associates, 1991.