1. Bruce-Novoa.
Retrospace: Collected Essays on Chicano Literature
, Arte Publico Press, 1990.
This book is a collection of essays dealing with several topics in Chicano literature.
2. Calderon Hector, Saldivar, Jose David.
Criticism in the Borderlands.
Duke University Press, 1991.
A collection of essays on Chicano literature.
3. Cisneros, Sandra.
My Wicked Ways
. Third woman Press, 1987.
A collection of poems.
4. Cisneros, Sandra.
The House on Mango Street
. Vintage Books, 1984
The story of a girl growing up in the Latino section of Chicago and how she views the world around her.
5. Galarza, Ernesto.
Barrio Boy
. University of Notre Dame Press, 1971.
The story of a young Mexican boy immigrating to the USA.
6. Gonzalez, Ray. ed.
After AztlanLatino Poets of the Nineties
. David R Godine, 1992.
An anthology of Latino poets who write mainly in English.
7. Jimenez, Francisco. ed.
The Identification and Analysis of Chicano Literature
Bilingual Press, 1979.
A collection of essays on Chicano literature.
8. Magell, Frank, N. ed.
Masterpieces of Latino Literature
. Harper Collins, 1994.
A great resource book on the biography of Latino authors and analysis of their books.
9. Marting, Diane E. ed.
Spanish American Women Writers: A BioBibliographical Source Book
. Greenwood Press, 1990.
The book provides biographies of several authors and provides references of articles written about them.
10. Ortiz Cofer, Judith.
. Riverstone Press, 1986.
A collection of poems.
11. Ortiz Cofer, Judith.
Terms of Survival
. Arte Publico Press, 1987.
A collection poems.
12. Ortiz Cofer, Judith.
The Latin Deli
. University of Georgia Press, 1993.
A combination of short stories and poems.
13. Paz, Octavio.
Labyrinth of Solitude
. Grove Press, 1985.
Essay on the people, character and culture of Mexico.
14. Saldivar, Ramon.
Chicano Narrative
. The University of Wisconsin Press, 1990.
A collection of critical essays on several Chicano authors.
15. Sanchez, Marta.
Contemporary Chicana Poetry
. University of California Press, 1985.
Analysis of several contemporary Chicana poets.
16. Santiago, Esmeralda.
When I Was Puerto Rican
. Addison-Wesley, 1983.
An excellent account of the migration of a Puerto Rican family from the countryside of Puerto Rico and eventually to New York.
17. Shirley, Carl R., Shirley, Paula W.
Understanding Chicano Literature
. University of South Carolina Press, 1988
Guide to Latino literature. It covers major authors and genres of literature.
18. Sommers, Joseph, Ybarra-Frausto Tomas, ed.
Modern Chicano Writers:
A Collection of Critical Essays
. Prentice Hall Inc. 1979.
Essays on several themes in Chicano Literature.
19. Tardiff, Joseph C, L. Mpho Mabundo ed.
Dictionary of Hispanic Biography
. Gale Research Inc., 1996.
An excellent resource of Hispanics in areas such as the arts, politics etc.
20. Tatum, Charles M.
Chicano Literature
. Twayne Publishers, 1982.
Gives a brief history of Chicano literature and an analysis of the different genres of literature.
21. Turner, Faythe.
Puerto Rican Writers at Home in the USA: An Anthology.
Open Hang Publishing Inc., 1991.
A collection of poems by several Puerto Rican writers.