Barker, Keith. "The Glory of the Garden: Evacuees in Children's Literature."
School Librarian
32 (June 1984):102-7.
Discusses a number of children's books portraying the children evacuated from London and other urban areas during World War II. (Unavailable to me).
Cadogan, Mary.
Women and Children First: The Fiction of Two World Wars
. London: Gollanez, 1978, 301 pp.
Examines the experiences of women and children in the two major wars of the twentieth century as presented in English fiction for children and adults. There are chapters on the girls' and boys' literature of World War I, chapters on the juvenile fiction of the 1940s, and on postwar children's fiction about the war. (Not used in this American Children's Literature unit).
Garrison, Jean Wood. "A Comparison of Selected Factors in Children's Realistic Fiction Having War-Related Plots Published in England and the United States during World Wars I and II." Ed.D. dissertation, Temple University, 1981, 193 pp., DA 42:1930A.
Finds that, contrary to theories, over three hundred books with war-related themes were published for children during World Wars I and II in England and over four hundred were published in the United States.
Hearne, Betsy. "U. S. Children's Books on World War II—An Overview and Representative Bibliography."
3 (1980):23-25.
Surveys American children's books about World War II.
James, David L. "Recent World War II Fiction: A Survey."
Children's Literature in Education
, n.s. 8, no. 2 (Summer 1977):71-79.
A critical review of fourteen recent novels, including detailed analyses of Robert Westall's The
and Nina Bowden's
Carrie's War
. (All fourteen referred to above).
Johnson, Nicholas. "What Do Children Learn from War Comics?" In Tucker,
Suitable for Children?
, pp. 93-102. (Abridged from an article in
New Society
, 7 July 1966).
Considers the "presentation of nationality" and "evidence on some of the probable effects of reading war comics." (Unavailable to me).
Laubenfels, Mary Jean. "A Study of the Theme of War in Selected Literature for Junior High Readers (1940-1975)." Ph.D. dissertation, Ohio State University, 1975, 176 pp., DA 36:3547A.
Compares the attitudes toward war expressed by writers depicting World War II and more recent conflicts.
MacCann, Donnarae. "Militarism in Juvenile Fiction."
13, nos. 6-7 (1982):18-20.
An overview of the changing treatment of war in children's fiction. Includes references to other criticism on the topic. (Unavailable to me).
Maness, Mary. "War Is Glorious: War is Hell: War Is Absurd."
53 (May 1976):560-63.
Finds highly diverse treatments of war in children's literature. (Unavailable to me).
Miller, Roger. "Up Front with the Comics."
Southwest Review
57 (Autumn 1972):288-300.
Examines attitudes toward war expressed in American comics during World War II. (Unavailable to me).
Nist, Joan Stidham. "Perspective on World War II."
Children's Literature
9 (1981):203-9.
Reviews six books on World War II. (All six referred to above).
Orvig, Mary. "War in Books for Young People."
5, no. 2 (1967):3-16.
Surveys old and new children's books with war and its aftermath as their theme. Includes a bibliography of children's and adults' books discussed. (Unavailable to me).
Prager, Arthur. "Beating the Boche." In
Rascals at Large
, pp. 169-213.
Analyzes the treatment of war in popular series books of the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s. (Unavailable to me).
Rajalin Marita. "The Second World War in Finnish Juvenile Literature."
Bookbird I
Discusses eleven Finnish and eight Bulgarian books for children and young people. (Not used in this American Children's Literature unit).
Rifas, Leonard. ‘War Makes Men' Is Message from Comic Books.'
14, no. 6 (1938):8-12.
An analysis of over 200 war comics reveals five common prowar themes. (Unavailable to me).
Soderbergh, Peter A. "The Dark Mirror: War Ethos in Juvenile Fiction, 1865-1919."
University of Dayton Review
10, no. 1 (Summer 1973):13-24.
Surveys the handling of war themes in popular American juvenile fiction. (Unavailable to me).
Shutze, Marcia, and Greenlaw, M. Jean. "Childhood's Island Receives a Gift of Myrrh: A Study of Children's Books with World War II Settings."
The Top of the News
31 (January 1975):199-209.
Examines trends in juvenile books set during World War II, based on a study of twenty-two books written from the time of the war itself up into the 1970s.
Taylor, Anne. "A Comparative Study of Juvenile Fiction Dealing with the Second World War."
Emergency Librarian
11 (November-December 1983):13-21.
Surveys a range of children's fiction dealing with World War II, analyzing various themes and approaches. Includes a bibliography grouped according to the country in which the story is set. (Unavailable to me).
"World War II Reflected in Children's Books."
no. 3 (1979):3-17; no. 4 (1979):8-16.
Issue 3 includes Winifred Kaminski's "The Depiction of War and Nazism in West-German Children's and Juvenile Literature," Lucia Binder's "World War II in Books Read by Austrian Children," and Sheila Ray's "1979—40 years After World War II: Children's Books in Great Britain." —Issue 4 includes Genevieve Humbert's "The Second World War in French Books for Adolescents," and Yoshiko Kogochi's "The Depiction of World War II in Japanese Books for Children."