Growing up too fast for her own good, Tracy goes from one boy to the next, looking for, but not finding happiness. She collects designer clothes and jewelry, and get money when she wants to, but she never finds the one true feeling she is looking for—happiness. Tracy fools herself into believing she is happy, because the street smart guys who want to be with her, will tell her anything she wants to hear.
On the other hand her neighbor Raheema does not have that problem, because she has promised herself not to get caught up in the cycle of letting boys get their way with any girl they want. She has seen what it can do to people, the prime example being her sister Mercedes. Mercedes has left home at the age of sixteen, because she has been caught up in the fast lane of boys and drugs.
Tracy grows up and begins to reexamine her life after one of her short term boyfriends takes her to a drug house to take care of some business. While she is waiting for her boyfriend to come back she spots a very familiar face coming down from the stairs after turning a trick to score some drugs, it is Mercedes. Tracy can not believe her eyes, she tries not to let Mercedes see her. Mercedes spots Tracy anyway and lets her have it. When Tracy gets home that night she realizes she needs to change her life, her wants, needs, and outlook on sex or she could be the girl coming down the stairs.
Just as Tracy is settling down, her father moves back into the house. This makes her mother and little brother very happy, but Tracy is not so sure. She does not want her father to come back and start telling her what to do and start running her life. When she finds out her father is not going to try and run her life, and that he is pretty cool about her ways. She has the urge to prove to her parents she is a mature young lady. Tracy starts to hang out with older who are in college. This makes her parents feel she is trying to become mature and responsible. She starts dating college student, and her parents are very pleased she has started dating a respectable young man with a bright future. Tracy soon finds out that the childish behavior her other boyfriends found cute will not fly with her new boyfriend Carl, and he lets her knew it. Tracy and Carl break up and Tracy and Tracy starts dating Victor again. Just as she has found Victor again, he is arrested for assault and sentenced to three years in jail. Tracy is crushed, because she feels she has been robbed of the only man she has really loved.
Tracy’s void is filled because she and her father have come an understanding about each other. She has entered college, and she has decided to wait for Victor to get out of jail. She can see that he has changed his outlook on life, and they both realize they were meant to be together.
Lesson for
Flyy Girl
1. To have students explore different ways to handle a situation.
2 .To allow student to make the best decision based on information.
Materials: Five -six situations students will pick out of a hat or box.
Method: Student will work in groups of three- four, the group will have to work together to come up with the best solution for the problem. They are required to research different aspects that could lead them to a positive outcome. Each member in the group will devise an individual plan, and then the group will take the individual plans and work together to compile a group answer.