Survey of Books
What I liked about the book:
What I did not like about the book:
Were the books chosen appropriate for grade level?:
Were the lessons difficult for grade level?:
Which book did you like the most and why?:
Suggested Student Reading List:
Divided Sisters,
Midge Wilson
Growing up Black in Mississippi
Bone Black: Memories of Girlhood
Addy: An American Girl
Flyy Girl,
Omar Tryee
Waiting to Exhale,
Terri McMillian
The Bluest Eye,
Toni Morrison
Suggested Teacher Reading List:
African Women: three generations,
Mark Mathabene
Madame C.J. Walker: Building a Business Empire,
Penny Coleman
Pushed Back to Strength: A Black Women’s Journey Home,
Gloria Jean Wade-Gayles
Voice Against Violence
, Ida B. Wells-Barrnett